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He was born from forbidden selfless love. Something the people that were responsible of his creation had paid the price for. And he grew up between ruthless and hateful people. He had never known love and kindness. Never been hugged or told he did good. But he knew hate and pain. He knew the sneering looks they gave him or the times they tripped him when he was little. And the punches to his face to make a point.

He knew dead. And destruction.
He knew the smell of burned corpses and the song of dead.
He knew to kill what was in his way. And he knew that he would kill anyone.
Innocent or not. He couldn't care less.

When they started to lose control over him they had given him a pack.
In the hopes to keep the rouge half wolf under their wraps. To use him.
Untill they could no longer.
Rohan would destroy the world and anyone in it to keep his pups save.
All these others wolfs could just die for all he cared.

They ordered him to attack. So that is what he did.
When he saw an Alfa wolf kill a young female, he ripped his heart clean out of his chest. The wolf side of his blood made him strong and hard to kill. The other side of his family made him have no mercy.

The girl was already dead.
A scream filled with something strange left the redhead as he grabbed her.
Begging her to live. But she was dead. He had felt her die too. Like a strange energy, something he never felt before. The girl had been a something.

The redhead would die soon enough. Rohan didn't feel like killing something so weak today.  The hunters had found the pack a little while ago. And when they had started this ... explosion thing amongst themselves. The hunters in their clan  found it the perfect timing to help end this wolf infestation from existence.

Some hunters used guns or rifles. Rohan knew how to use them. He was trained to use any weapon. But the best way for him to end these things was with his two short swords. They were dripping with blood as he walked.
One could hardly tell his blond hair from the dark red blood spatters covering him.  But they could see his dark grey eyes that had no mercy in them what so ever. They were empty. Cold. Void.

He felt a wolf that had the energie flow as that of a firestorm. A black and orange light glowing around his form. He didn't try and stop the great brown and black werewolf as it ran past him. He knew when he would lose a fight. It was better not to take it. Some other hunter could die trying. It would be nice to get rid of some of those assholes.

He had a pack.
He would go back to them.

It wouldn't take much time to deal with this pack. It was quit pathetic. They didn't even put up a fight. They saw him come. Screamed and begged and died.
'Halfbreed!' The commander yelled. He was a ugly men with a reddish green circling him, who smelled like the sour stench of arrogance. Something Rohan would kill him for one day. One day he would plant one of his swords into his stomach and watch his intestines fall out of him. And listen to him die in a little puddle of pathetic shit.

'Take care of the once in the big house.' He ordered. Pointing at some wolf family's that were seeking shelter in a half burned packhouse in the middle of the pack.
They should have run when they had the change.
When he didn't move straight away Russel gave him a glare that he had seen one to many times. If he didn't hurry either he would suffer from it. Of his pack.
They lost their lives the moment he set his eyes on them.

Because they were hunters. And he was the most ruthless one they ever created.
And nothing could stop him only dead.

And the warlock if he would choose to fight them. But he seemed to pathetic to even try. Might also die here if he got to close to the halfbreed hunter.
Cause he was born for this. For leaving nothing but dead in his path.

They tried to beg him. Smelled the wolf and thought he could spare them. They would soon learn it didn't work like that. Because there was no wolf nor human left.
He was rouge. A rouge halfbreed filled with hate and dead that only cared about one thing... wel... two .

I promised an extra chapter so better late than never!
This is also one of my fav characters. Why the murderous little psycho you ask, because he will play a part in what is to come. Will He become a good guy you ask, fuck no. The world ain't black and white and he is much better at being cruel.
Hope you enjoyed this little cru chapter.

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