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Falynn and I looked at each other nervously. 

Faine was fuming. 

He won't talk to anyone. 

Even though we told him it was for a good reason, he's still mad that we're hiding something about his own body from him. 

So we're now sitting in his room in awkward silence. 

But when he finds out... Arrax muttered anxiously. 

I bit my lips.

He's going to freak out when he finds out the truth. 

I clenched my fists. 

Felix, calm down. Faine can sense your anxiety. Falynn reached out to me through the mindlink.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. 

I could tell she was still also equally worried as me though. 

What's going on? Mom reached out to me. 

Faine wants to know why he can't use mana. He's mad that we won't tell him and is refusing to talk to anyone. I explained. 

He sighed. 

Ok, I'm coming there now. 

"Mom's on his way," I said out loud. 

Faine nodded but still didn't say anything. 

The door opened a minute later and mom came in. 

He went and sat down on the bed beside Faine who was staring at him silently. 

"You can't use mana because I sealed it." Mom started. 

Faine frowned. "Sealed? Why?" 

"Because it's dangerous. Remember that incident at school?" Mom.

Faine nodded. 

"That thing left a part of itself in you. I already destroyed it but it left a type of curse behind. And I need to get to their leader to break the curse. That guy is really good at hiding so until now I haven't found him." Mom. 

"What does this have to do with me using mana?" Faine asked. 

"The more mana you use the stronger the curse becomes. And you're used to using mana since you were a kid so you might even use it unconsciously. So I sealed it to be on the safe side." Mom. 

Faine slowly nodded. 

But then he frowned and tilted his head. 

"But I was able to push out Archer. And even Ren." He pointed at Archer and Ren who were laying on the bed near him. 

"Yeah, I let some of my mana flow into you to allow you to do that. But I can't let you do anything else with mana though. And even this, I can only let you do it twice every day max." Mom explained. 

Faine sighed and nodded. 

"I promise I'll find him really soon ok? Then I'll break the seal and you can use mana normally again." Mom patted his head. 

He hummed. 

His mood didn't improve in the slightest. 

Ren scooted closer to him and nudged him gently. 

Faine looked at him. 

I could tell he said something but of course I couldn't understand what he said. 

I was more surprised when Faine seemed to understand him perfectly. 

I looked at Falynn who looked equally surprised. 

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