Chapter 16

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Isobel's POV


"3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" we all chorused. Zayn picked me up, kissing me lightly. For some strange reason Louis decided to put my Take Me Home CD on, probably because he knows all of us like One Direction? I don't know. We were dancing and singing to LWWY, the boys seemed to be having just as much fun as us.

Louis jumped on me. "BOO!" He laughed, standing up+helping me up. Louis ran off, I looked around to see there was only me and Zayn. Where was everyone? I suddenly felt really nervous. Kiss You finished, I stood by three doors that i had no idea where they lead. I felt someone's hands on my shoulders but i didn't bother. I turned around after a while to see Zayn, singing. He took both of my hands and pulled me from the doors. We half-danced while hugging. "I wont let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if its true its you its you they add up to, i'm in love with all your little things" Zayn sang. "Happy new year babe, have a good one... And don't you forget, for every day of rain, there's two days of sunshine." He kissed the top of my head. "I love you Zayn.." "I love you too, Isobel.." "To the moon and back" "To the moon and back" he agreed.

(End of flash back)

I pulled my hood further over my face, walking aimlessly around Dublin. I walked into McDonalds and ordered a milkshake, payed and walked out. I sat on a bench in the nearest park.

What happened?

Oh, yeah, Louis decided to tell Zayn that I told Louis I loved him.

(flashback 1)

"I'm sorry Loubear.." I croaked, lifting my face from Louis' chest. "Don't be..." he placed his hand under my chin  "Don't be Izzykins" "I love you Loubear" "You don't mean that, you're drunk Izzy." "I'm shitfaced and speaking the truth" i replied, putting a hand in the air, then let it drop on to his hair. "I love you Louis William Tomlinson" i mumbled. "Happy belated birthday, and Merry Christmas" i added, kissing me lightly. Louis laid down, and i followed him and resting my head on his chest again, falling asleep.

(flash back 2)

"YOU BITCH!" Zayn's voice echoed through the quiet bus. "Zayn dont she's just gone to sleep-" "SHUT UP!"  I curled up as tight as I could. The door of our room flung open, I stiffened. Zayn pulled the covers from me. "WHY?!" He yelled. I sat up, scared. "wha-what?" I managed."WHY DO YOU LOVE LOUIS?! WHAT DOES HE HAVE THAT I DONT!?" He yelled, pulling me up by my arm. I let out a scream of pain. "I-I wa-was drunk Zay-Zayn." I mumbled, tears falling down my cheeks. A few seconds passed, Zayn ran a hand through his hair and punched the door. "Why? Am I not good enough? The fans were right, you're a whore." I lost it. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU'D HAVE TAKEN NOTICE OF HANNAH AND WATCHED HOW MUCH I DRANK WE WOULDN'T-" I started, Zayn raised his hand and hit me. My cheek stung. I stared at him, holding my cheek. I ran out of the bus not caring how cold it was. I just ran

(End Of Flashbacks)

I touched my cheek gingerly, and winced at the pain. I looked up and saw a couple walking through the park, hand in hand, smiling. I slid onto the floor, pulling my knees to my chest and began to cry.

My phone began ringing, I checked the caller ID "Emziebear! xo" I sighed and debated answering. I decided to. "Isobel, where are you? You've been gone since 7!!" It wasn't Emma, It was a Harry. "Harry I-.. I'm not coming back." "Why? please..." He said, there was a slam. "Whoops.." he mumbled. "Where are you it's windy?" I asked. "I'm stood outside the tour bus, Zayn and Louis are arguing, the girls are looking for you and I'm stood with Niall and Liam" "Why do you have Emma's phone?" "She gave it me because i still don't have your number" "Oh" I sighed, I looked up. The sun was going down and it was starting to get colder again. I saw a red-haired girl walking towards me. "Are you Isobel?" She asked "Er.. Harry I'll text you..." I said and hung up before he could say anything "Yeah, I'm Isobel.." I sighed "Hi! I'm Ariana!" She smiled and held her hand out to help me up "Don't cry" she said and hugged me. "Ho-How do you know me?" "I'm Emma's sister! We used to hang out before i got famous!" she smiled. I thought for a while and then realised it was. "Ari I've missed you" I sighed "I missed you too" She hugged me tightly "You should go back, Emma's been looking for you all day.." "I can't.." "Why?" I explained the whole situation, the whole time we were wandering around the park, Ariana hugging me with one arm, like we did whenever I had a problem at school. "Isobel. You have to go back and try and sort everything out, if it doesn't work out you can come and stay with me! I'm staying in hotel room but they got the number of beds messed up" She said, and pulled me out of the park and made me walk back to the tour bus. "Zayn!?" She yelled, knocking on the door. "What are you doing Emma that could be a fan!?" I heard Niall say. Emma opened the door "ARI YOU FOUND HER!!" She shouted, jumping down the steps and hugging me and Ariana tightly. "Where were you Izzy?" Emma asked. I just shrugged and pushed passed her, i looked in the living area to see no-one there "Zayn's in your room, everyone else went out, we stayed here in case you came back" Hannah said "Come here..." She said, hugging me. "You okay?" I nodded and smiled half-heartedly. I walked to Mine and Zayns room and pushed the door open. He rolled over to see who it was.

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