Chapter 24

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Isobel's POV

"I DONT CARE OKAY ZAYN. I JUST WISH YOU WOULD HAVE ATLEAST TOLD ME!" I yelled, throwing my phone across the room and walking passed a wide-eyed Hannah and pulled on my boots "Where are you going?" "Out" "Where to?" "Out" I walked out the house, Hannah must've caught the door before it closed. "ISOBEL GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE NOW" She yelled, I ignored her and carried on walking. I dont know how but I ended up on the Motorway. I sat on the barrier, watching the cars go past at different speeds. I sighed. Why didn't he tell me about his "Plan"? He promised he wouldn't  do it again, pretend he was with Perrie so I didnt get so much hate. I buried my head in my hands. It didn't make sense.

Niall's POV

I sat on a train on the way to Manchester, scrolling through twitter. I noticed one of Zayns tweets. I frowned and tried to ring Hannah and then Isobel, No answer. I got off my train and got back on a different one, leading back to where I'd just come from. I texted Liam asking if he knew where Isobel usually went when she needed to think.

"The side of a motorway, she sits on the barrier thing near the hard shoulder, why? -L"

"Just wondering :) -Ni"

I got off the train in the village where she lived and made the long walk to the motorway. I soon found her "What are you doing up here?! It's dangerous Isobel!!" I shouted, walking towards her. "You have a flight to catch Niall, what are you doing here?!" "To get you! Why are you here?" "To think.." She sighed, knotting her fingers. I sat next to her. "Whats happened?" I hugged her close because she was shivering. "Zayn never told me about Perrie the first time, that they were pretending to be together so I didnt get so much hate.. And he said he wouldn't do it again.. But he has.." I frowned. "Oh. Right.." "Perrie told me just after I'd got back home, she rang me from zayn's phone.. I dont know what to do Niall, it feels like he's cheating but i know he isnt..." "Isobel... I dont mean to be against Zayn, or to hurt you.. But I think he is.." I sighed, I didnt want to be the one to tell her that. "wh-what..?" Her voice cracked. Shit. "I'm sorry.." She turned into me, her face pressed into my shoulder, and cried. "Wh-.. I don't understand.." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and gave it to her. "Here, ring Leigh and ask her whats going on." I watched as she searched for Leigh's number and called it. She plugged her earphones in and gave one to me. "Niall?" "Um hi Leigh, Isobel wants to talk to you..?" "Oh okay." I put my arm around her reassuringly  "H-Hi Leigh... Do.. Do you know if.. Zayn and Perrie are actually t-..Together?"  There was a silence, I still had my earphone in. "Leigh?" I asked. "Oh erm.. I'm sorry.. But I think so... I'm really sorry Isobel.." She looked at me "It's okay Leigh, thankyou" She smiled breifly and took the earphone out, standing up. "Thanks Leigh. Um.. Bye?" we both hung up and I followed Isobel back to her house. She sat on the floor and rang Zayn. "You're not cheating on me? Leigh AND Niall have just said you are." She said, trying not to sound upset. "No Zayn. I wont. Bye." She hung up and smiled up at me.

Hannah walked in. "Niall? Aren't you supposed to be on a plane?" "Was, I went to go find Isobel because I didn't want anything to kick off." She nodded and sat next to Isobel "You okay?" Isobel nodded and stood up "I'm off to go shower.. I'll be back down in about an hour.." She mumbled and dragged her feet out of the room and up the stairs. "Poor kid.." Hannah sighed, standing up. "D'ya want anything to eat?" She asked, walking into tthe kitchen. "If you're offering." I replied, following her. "Sandwich?" "Okay" Hannah made me a sandwich and sat on the counter. "Niall..  What do I do?" "About what?" "Isobel.. It just.. I.. It seems like she's going back to square one again, not talking to me about whats wrong.." she sighed "Nevermind.." She slid off the counter and walked out of the kitchen.

I finished my sandwich and followed her to the top of the stairs. She walked into Isobel's room.

Hannah's POV

I walked into Isobel's room and sat next to her. I stayed silent for a while, watching her draw. "Are you okay?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. She put the pencil down and sat back, resting on her hands. "Honestly?" she said, closing her eyes for a moment. "I havent been okay for a long time" "Wanna talk about it?" I asked, copying the way she sat, keeping my eyes trained on her face, so she knew I was listening. "I dont know.." She sighed I nodded "Well i'm always here if you need me" I reassured. She nodded "What you drawing?" I asked, sitting forward again. She picked up her sketch book and showed me the drawing (Its on the side). I nodded. "Its a good drawing" I smiled. She shook her head and stood up. She flicked through her DVD's. "Where's Niall?" "Dunno.. NIALL?" Niall pushed the door open "Yeah?" "We're watching a film" "Okay" He sat down next to me.

Isobel put the DVD into the machine and walked out of the room to get food. "Is that one of her drawings?" Niall asked, looking at the sketch book in my hands "Yeah" "She's a good drawer" "I know, she says she isnt though.." Niall frowned. Isobel walked back in and dropped 2 big bags of popcorn on the floor and put several cans of pepsi and bottles of american soda next to them "What are we watching?" Niall asked picking up a bag of popcorn."Um i dunno this has got more than one film on it, you two choose" Isobel passed me the remote and sat against her bed with her earphones in, reading. I let Niall choose. He chose The Vow.

Once the film had ended Niall stood up and pulled me up and made a "Shh" Gesture. I turned to look at Isobel and she was curled up on the floor asleep. Niall picked her up and put her in the bed and covered her up. "What time is it?" Niall asked "Aboutttt... 9:30Pm?" "Wanna go get some food?" "Is it wise leaving Isobel alone?" "We'll come straight back I promise" "Okay" I pulled on my trainers and jacket and Niall drove us to McDonalds.


I know this chappy's not that long but i'm trying to make them a bit shorter because i have 6 more left to write and so many Idea's.

I'm gonna skip time a little in my next chappy, sorry if you dont like it but I'll do a flashback on the year in the chapter I promise:)

-Isobel xx

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