Red And White Gingham: Park Sex

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Alex looked himself over in the mirror trying to get his hair to fall just right. Tonight, they were going to some new club that had had rave reviews and Alex wanted to look good.

It had been a while since all of his friends had managed to go out all together and he was planning on enjoying himself. He did his best not to obsess over what Jack would think of his outfit.

Friends weren't supposed to care about what the other thought of their clothes and if Alex was going to get himself over his stupid little crush, then he was going to have to treat Jack as a friend.

He headed out into the living room and poured himself a drink as Rian came out from his own room. "Who are you trying to impress?" He joked, looking Alex over. Alex just rolled his eyes in response.

He was wearing skin-tight black skinny jeans that made his ass look amazing and a tight-fitting V-neck tee with a red and black flannel over the top. It was the closest he ever got to dressing up when they went out and was usually only worn when he was looking to impress someone in order to get laid. If it happened to be Jack's favourite outfit on him then that was just a coincidence.

Zack soon arrived followed by the You Me At Six lads minus Josh and within an hour it felt more like a house party than pre-drinks.

Alex was perched precariously on the arm of the couch giggling a little as Matt attempted to tell a joke but fucked up the punchline. The alcohol was starting to really take effect and he was starting to wonder if maybe they should all just stay in when the doorbell rang.

He stumbled slightly as he got to his feet and ignored the others as they laughed at him. He made his way to the door and felt a grin spread over his face as Jack came into view.

"Jacky!" He cried excitedly, pulling the taller lad into a tight hug. He almost lost balance, not expecting the force of Alex bundling against him but he quickly recovered, chuckling softly. "Hey, Lex."

They stood there a moment longer before Josh cleared his throat, sending the pair a pointed look from where he stood awkwardly behind them. Alex just grinned, reaching over and patting him on the head before stepping back and letting Jack go.

It was then that Alex noticed the red and white gingham bandana hanging from Jack's jeans. His eyes widened momentarily before a grin spread over his face. God damn, that was hot.

Alex had always wanted to have park sex, but he'd never had the nerve to mention it to anyone before. Apparently, he didn't even need to when it came to Jack. The guy knew him so well and it was moments like this that made Alex's crush flare up even more.

He grabbed a fresh drink and went to lean against the wall but overestimated how close he was and ended up less than elegantly slumped against it. Jack rolled his eyes as he smirked at him, his own drink in his hand.

"Looks like you need to slow down a bit. They won't let you in otherwise." Alex just rolled his eyes, sending him a cocky grin.
"There's no way they're gonna stop me getting in when I look this good. It would be a crime!" Jack laughed, shaking his head a little as his eyes wandered over Alex's appearance.

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