Lavender: Drag

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Alex wasn't entirely sure how it had started but more and more frequently he found himself spending his evening curled up on Jack's couch in one of Jack's hoodies watching Ru Paul's Drag Race with Josh.

He'd never previously watched the show, it had never really seemed like his thing, but the vocalist was obsessed, and Alex had found himself getting more and more invested by the episode.

Jack had been working a lot lately. With it heading towards Christmas the restaurant was permanently busy and with half the staff going down with flu and various other seasonal sicknesses he'd had no choice but to help pick up the slack by covering shifts.

Alex didn't mind, he understood the situation, but that didn't stop him from missing his boyfriend. He couldn't remember the last time they'd spent some quality time together. Sure, if Alex was still awake when he got home, they'd talk a little before Jack inevitably crashed but it wasn't the same.

Jack needed some serious downtime and Alex was going to make sure he made the most of every second of it.

                                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・───

"Remembered where you live then?" Alex rolled his eyes at his roommate's jibe as he paused in the kitchen doorway where Rian was making lunch. "Funny."

"Is it? I mean you haven't been here in over a month. I thought you'd moved out and forgotten to tell me." Alex just shrugged.
"I debated it. At least when I'm there Josh makes me food." Rian snorted.

"I'm not gonna be here long anyway so."

Rian turned to face him, a small smile playing on his face. "So, this is serious huh?" Alex frowned in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on man. You practically live with him, you're all head over heels and using the 'L' word. The others actually have a bet going on how long it's gonna be before we get news of a proposal."

Alex rolled his eyes. "We're not teenagers in their first relationship you know. I mean sure things are a little honeymoon period-y right now but we're not gonna jump into it like that. We haven't even been together a year yet." Rian seemed to genuinely consider the words.

"So, I can't rent out your room to hot bikini models then?" Alex snorted, shaking his head. "Not any time soon."

With that, he headed through to his room in order to grab the things he needed.

                                     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・───

By some miracle, Jack managed to finish his shift only two hours later than originally planned.

He sighed softly as he leant back against the apartment door. He was utterly exhausted.

Sure, tomorrow was technically his day off but for the past month his days off had ended up with him getting woken up at lunchtime with a phone call asking him to come in. He did not have the energy mentally or physically for another day in the kitchen.

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