Aqua: Water

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"This is a bad idea." Alex rolled his eyes, ignoring Rian where he was standing in his doorway watching him pack. "No one asked your opinion." He muttered bitterly. It had to have been the fifth time he'd said it since Alex had gotten home.

By some miracle, their calendars had aligned and both Alex and Jack had a long weekend off together, so Jack had called him in between classes and told him he was taking him away for the weekend. They weren't going far, just Ocean City, but it was still a wonderful idea and had made Alex more excited than a kid at Christmas.

He got the feeling that Jack was trying to make up for what had happened with Matt, even though it wasn't his fault. He was being pretty attentive and cute which was sending Alex's emotions spiralling. He knew it was a bad idea and was only going to end up with him getting hurt but he couldn't help it. He loved getting that kind of attention from Jack.

"Alex." Rian sighed, finally venturing further into the room. "You can't keep putting yourself through this." Alex rolled his eyes.
"I'm not putting myself through anything." Rian wasn't having any of it.
"Alex. You are in love with the guy, not even a month ago you were sobbing into my shoulder because all he wants is sex. You're going to get hurt." Alex hated that he was right.

"Yeah well, I decided I'm cool with it. Just because I have a thing for him doesn't mean I have to do anything about it. It'll pass so why should I deny myself epic sex in the meantime?" Rian rolled his eyes.
"That's not how feelings work, and you know it."

Alex yanked the zipper on his bag a little more forcefully than strictly necessary as he got to his feet. "Your opinion is noted. Now if you're done with the lecture, it's my life and I'd like to go live it."

It was harsh and he knew it, but he needed him to just back off. He didn't want or need another talk about why he was being an idiot. He knew he was being an idiot; he just couldn't bring himself to stop.

"I'm just trying to look out for you." Rian sighed in defeat, knowing that no matter what he said he wasn't going to be able to change Alex's mind. "I know," Alex said, squeezing his shoulder. "I appreciate it, really, but I need you to trust that I know what I'm doing." Rian gave a nod though it was clear from his facial expression that he didn't believe a word of it. "Fine, but don't think for one second that your tears will stop me from rubbing the I told you so in your face." Alex rolled his eyes but smiled softly. "Deal."

He pulled up outside of Jack's apartment building and texted him to let him know he was outside. He felt a little jittery though he couldn't tell if it was excitement or nerves. He was going to have Jack to himself for four whole days. He had a feeling it was going to be a struggle to keep things in perspective.

"Hey, you!" Jack grinned brightly as he swung the door open and folded his lanky frame into Alex's car. He threw a backpack onto the back seat before pressing a gentle kiss to Alex's cheeks, instantly making him blush.

"You ready?" Alex asked, hoping to keep himself focused on being friendly. "Yeah. Would have been done sooner but I've had Josh in my ear all afternoon about why this is a bad idea." He rolled his eyes and Alex did his best to focus straight ahead. "Oh yeah?" Jack hummed but didn't elaborate.

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