28) My savior

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"Something has been taken from the cage of my chest
Left is pump forsaken ,
You pulled away the rest.

There is no peace to find
And gone is all the thief
It is true that love is blind
Because I loved a thief . "


One week Later

Alison's pov ......

Holy crap

Once again I forgot my chemistry textbook at home . My hands were hurriedly moving on its own as to find my textbook in my backpack once again .

"Ughh" a frustrated groan left my mouth as soon as realising I didn't carry my  book and on top off the cherry our lecturer will came anytime soon .

Closing eyes my hands frantically moved to facepalm .

"Hey Ali ! Are are you okk " came a sweet voice which is none other than Ava who is seated just right next to me .

"Huh , yeah ! I just...." I was going to say when rena finished it for me . She is  just behind my back .

"Forgot your book once again " she said confidently as if it was as obvious as two  plus two is equal to four .

Seriously Ali , didn't you find any other thing to compare with .

" how do you know ? Is it that obvious ?" I asked surprised .

First she nodded and then I heard Julie say "it's because this is happening for the fifth time Ali " . Julie came just now and take her seat beside rena .

My eyes got wide with shock and realisation with my own doing .

"Is that so ?"  I asked without knowing how dumb I must be looking at the moment .

"Don't mind Ali but what's happening with you . You aren't behaving same as before . "Said Ava in concern yet curious voice .

"I-I am fine guys" I said

"Don't you dare lie Ali , we aren't blind to see how much silent you became from past week . " Julie said in warning yet concerning voice .

Yeah I agree , I became  more silent from last week but their is much dilema  . After t-that day in ice-cream parlour , I don't know what to feel or what to do .

Trust me when I say I am trying my best to behave happy or atleast normal but everything keep reminding me of that day . This school ....that classroom door and not to mention ...him .

" See you are zoned out once again " I heard Ava say  ."if their is something than you know you  can tell us "

"Hey ! Don't tell me you are daydreaming Ian Somerhalder " as soon as those words left rena' s mouth all three of us snapped our heads and glare towards her .

"Whooe !! I-I was just trying to cheer up her mood . " Rena said lifting both her hands up as if she is criminal who got caught nd we are cops .

"" you were watching vampire diaries yesterday , don't you ? " Inquired Julie to rena while we were still glaring at the .

"Youu..what I am gonna do about you " I said while rena was smiling shefishly with a wide grin which was become wide if that was even possible .

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