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"Distance was something I never wanted between us , But it got written in our fate ...

Why ??

I still wonder . I don't no about you but I really do .

And just maybe one fine day ...we can cover this distance , A path which will lead us to our together ...

Maybe some Day "

Alison's Pov

Days had been easy , And surely tough at some points ...yet things aren't seems to surface .

Their is no such issues regarding study and stuff , it's all going good as off now .

To not have more Chaos I refrain myself to interact with many people .

Because with so many people come , so many problems and chaos .

When a time come and u left behind alone ... No one to wisper soathing words ... And no one to ask if you are fine .....

That will be the day u will know what u can do alone ,

my alone presence is enough to me is what I had learned across a coarse of time .

I had learned to acknowledge my own presence ;

Vansessa and me had few conversations till now , it was great though . It somehow helped me know many things about my university .

She had told me many stuff's about here and there ... ,. From every functions taking place to mood swings of every money feeded peer of ours

During one of our talk , I remember what she had explained me ....

Some tips

"Never ever disrespect any of our seniors !! For they can make our like living hell here "

"Never make any issues with seniors ..."

"Never make straight eye-contact with them until they say so , and if you do , it is kind of disrespecting them ...."

"And at last never ever get on bad side of Harry Bernard !!! For he is living nightmare himself . handsome as hell but so as devil he is "

Her word not mine ....

Things were so confusing until she explained further .

"All authority and power goes to him as him being a child of one of the trustee . Each and every person feared him and his group for cruel way of bullying "

I was shocked was an understatement , . I didn't knew when anger started to fill my insight just by thinking of possibility ..

I would have conclude it some sort of scene from movie if it wasn't for a look of horror showing on her face .

That's when I knew she wasn't lying...

Bullying !!!!

I hate it with all my guts . Unaware was me , of all this act happening here .... That crime such as bullying could take place in such a reputed uni.. .

I had known the feeling of getting bullied , how horrific and miserable it can make living .

It should never happened to anyone ...

So is there no one who could stop him from doing so ?... What about principal ? I asked

" Before knowing this , you should know about the impact of groupism here . As I am familiar with all this only since one month , I don't know about much..... "

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