12) Forest

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Alison pov-

We have arrived to our destination just now . We are gathered at one place while  looking and observing our surroundings . It's a forest areas so here is many greenary . Trees here are very high with not that wide trunk due to which this  place isn't that dense but perfect for camping or picnic .

We can see tress with different type of bark covering them . Some have hard bark , some smooth ,some barks are ready to detach from its roots and distinct aroma of fidging earth making this place more alive .

Rustling sounds of small animals scurrying under the thick ferns  and over the thousands of brittle branches and twigs... The constant sound of a breeze , gently swaying in its caress  ... birds flying from one  place to another and twittering .

This wet reddish and yellowish soil ...fallen leaves of trees ... chirpping sound of birds and this greenary is just amazing .

" Woo we are in forest , just look at this place "  rena chirpped with happiness .

" Yeah , it feels more alive here " I said

" You are right , this place gives an unknown peace " Ava said

" But we can't stay here like this , first we have to make an arrangement to stay " Aaron said in his husky voice . " " It's already noon and we have to prepare food too "

" You are right bro , we should start making tent " max said

They  were right , we don't have shelter here so we have to make one . Material required for making tent was given by school so it wasn't an issue . But now we have to make tent .

First we search for a plain place where all our tents can occupy and luckily after a few minutes of search we found one but their was leaves and barks scattered all-around . And there was a small river near our place which has clean water so problem of water has also solved here .

We were arround hundred students along with few students and one forest guide for safety . Now it was time to start working but all were confuse what to do first .

" If you don't mind I have a idea " I wispered slowly .

" What it is " Aaron said . It was first time we are conversaing like this . It feels good  , even though my heart was racing I forced my words to spill out .

" Why don't we make group of people and assign them different works , in that way we can complete our work early . And boys can make a tent as it requires strength and girls can prepare some food as we will get hungry after some time and it will be dark soon . "I said

" What say " I wasn't sure if it will work but I thought in this was we can do our work fast so I said what I think .

All were thinking about what I just said but when I didn't get any reply I thought I embarrassed myself in front of other's . But what he said just made my heart flutter .

" I don't think it-- someone started to say when he interrupt him .

"Great , we will do that " Aaron said . I was happy that he likes my Idea .

" Yeah that's a good idea " Julie said and followed by him Eric too nodded .

After some time

We did what we had  planned . All boys help eachother in  making tents and it's nearly finished ,  just a little is left to do . We had already cleaned ground so it can look  clean and girls are preparing food . It was really huge quantity but we managed to do that and our teacher too help us  .
Here isn't  hotel or any so we have to do everything on our own . It was new to all of us but we really enjoyed it and forest officer also guide us .

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