. 𝙖 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡

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a/n: sorry for the longer wait for this chapter but be prepared for a little bit of angst :D

Sooyoung hates kids. That's what everyone at the university had learned about her over the years as she made it clear on every occasion she could. For instance, when Soojin's girlfriend (but friend at the time), Shuhua, had visited the dance class along with her little sister NingNing near Christmas - Sooyoung had put tape down on the floor at the corner of the room and told her she couldn't step outside of the barrier or Santa would murder her family  (according to Shuhua the little girl sat by the fireplace all night on Christmas Eve with a nerf gun as defence). After that incident, the label was cemented for the dancer and no one would believe that would change. So when she walked into class holding the hand of her little cousin, taking off her jacket for her nicely, and patting the child on the head before giving her snacks, they were naturally shook to the core.

"What the actual fu-" Jiwon started before Chaeryeong covered her mouth, telling her that she can't swear in front of kids. Yeji watched as Olivia happily sat on the bench at the back of the studio with her Nintendo switch and she was then in even more shock when she saw Sooyoung smiling at the child. "Um, Sooyoung? Are you feeling okay?"

"Hm? Yeah, I'm good. Let's start." The older girl said casually as she started stretching. Yeji nodded slowly before cautiously continuing. "You seem to be getting on with your little cousin a lot better than last week. Like a lot better. It's kind of scary."

Sooyoung shrugged as she switched to stretching her other leg. "I guess the little shit's grown on me."

That was a lie. The truth was that after a heated argument, Sooyoung and Olivia had made a bet over Mario Kart and the loser had to do what the other one wanted for a whole day. No one was surprised that the triplet won and everyone was entertained when the first thing the girl made Sooyoung do was let her have the older girl's room by herself for the night. This led to Sooyoung and Jinsol sharing the couch and the dancer made the blonde vow not to tell anyone that they had to spoon... and that Jinsol was the big spoon.

"Okay guys." Momo rounded her class together in front of the mirror. "Today's going to be pretty easy. We're gonna go over the choreo from-"

"Yves! I'm thirsty." Olivia said loudly, making Sooyoung close her eyes in embarrassment. She knew that the child was deliberately trying to humiliate her and as much she wanted to shout every possible curse word at her, she had a bet to honour. "Sorry Momo, I'll be back in a sec. You guys start."

"Sooyoung I know I said your little cousin could sit in my class but that's only if she's quiet." Momo reinstated sternly. Olivia crossed her arms and glared at the older woman with daggers in her eyes. "Lady don't talk about me until you get a new hairdresser because whoever cut those bangs did you wrong."

Momo stared the girl in shock and offence as she turned to mirror to examine her hair. The Lee sisters tried to stop Soojin and Jiwon from laughing as Yeji walked over to her now extremely embarrassed crew mate. "Yves, maybe you should go sit out this practice. I think Olivia here might need your attention more than us right now."

"What? No, but-"

"Go. It'll be fine, I'll cover for you." Yeji reassured her with a smile. Sooyoung sighed in annoyance before stomping over to Olivia and angrily gesturing to the door.

"What the hell was that?!"

"What was what?" Olivia asked as she snacked on the chocolate bar Sooyoung gave her. The adult facepalmed with a sigh before sitting herself down on the ground. "I swear to god you test my patience more and more each day."

"I try."

"Sooyoung! What are you doing on the ground?" The dancer looked up to see Jiwoo slowing down her pace as she walked up to the two of them. "Oh, hey Olivia!"

𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 / 𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙖Where stories live. Discover now