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As they walked down a hallway in the German prison facility that was holding Helmut Zemo, Viktoriya began to talk. "I have....words. To say." She told them. "We've got time." Bucky said, directing to the long hallway they were walking down, following a guard. "Go for it." Sam told her. "Zemo. He use me." She said. Sam looked back at her over his shoulder then watched ahead. "Used you how?" He asked. "He use me, to get Winter Soldier." She said. "Ehm....White, Wolf." She corrected. "It's okay. I know what you meant. He used me too in the sense, he wanted what Hydra made me be. A weapon. And he got what he wanted." Bucky said. The guard stopped them. "He's in through here." The guard informed. "Just, give us a second." Bucky told him. The guard gave a nod then left the three of them, through a doorway. Sam and Bucky looked at her. "How come I never saw you?" Bucky asked. "I am good at job." She said. "And I was never near, you." She added. "Well, you're an Avenger. He'll see that and he won't comply." Bucky told Sam. Sam scoffed. "And you, have Hydra's brainwashing still in you. He'll know your words and could use them against you. So I'll go. Alone." He told them. Sam crossed his arms. Bucky turned and walked to the doorway and through. The guard closed the door. Viktoriya walked to the side wall and sat down. "You good?" Sam asked her. "Da. I just...." She paused. "...Yyyyes." She sounded out. Sam smiled a bit then sat on the hallway floor across from her. "You're getting better." He complimented. "I achieve, to....please." She said. He chuckled. "Well I am pleased with your trying. It's really good. And hey, you've come a ways from holding my nephews hostage." He told her. "I am not bad." She said. "No you ain't." He added, followed with a chuckle.

They waited a little while in the hallway. Their legs became outstretched and feet almost touching. "Are your legs seriously like your arms?" He asked her. "...Yyyess." She sounded out. "So can you like, jump super high and stuff?" He asked, with a smile. Gesturing up and over with his hand. "I have. They give me, ability to. I cannot...leap, building. But I can leap, onto tall truck." She answered. "Like I almost saw you do! Nice." He complimented. She began to smile a bit. "Almost. Compliments don't get a smile. We'll find out what does." He added. Bucky came out through the door then stepped into the hallway and looked at them. "Was I that long?" He asked. "Yeah, man." Sam told him and stood up. Bucky helped Viktoriya to her feet. "I'll tell you what's up when we're out." He told them. Then began to walk down the long hallway. Sam and Viktoriya followed. They left the facility then took refuge in a dark garage. "I need to break Zemo out." He told them. He and Sam turned on a couple of flashlights and were walking through the large garage. "Are you insane?!" Sam asked Bucky. "You're talking about breaking out a viscious criminal!" Sam added. "And, he can still use me." Viktoriya reminded. "I know. I know. There's all these reasons but he knows where to begin." Bucky said.

They heard a noise to their right and quickly shon their flashlights to the spot. "Who's there?!" Sam asked. The lights switched on and they looked to Viktoriya. "I say it is bad idea, Bucky." She said. They turned off their flashlights. "Look, I know there is reasons not to. But we have a very good reason to. That serum is out there and he can find it. And we don't know how many of these super soldiers are out there!" Bucky declared. He started to tell them of a plan. If two inmates start to fight, then Zemo can escape his cell, knock out the guard and take his uniform. Looking like an employee, he should be able to slip through doorways past the cameras. And if the fire alarm gets triggered during the tussle between two inmates, he could take advantage. "I don't like how casual you are being about this." Sam admitted. "It is like you have..." Viktoriya voiced, but stopped herself and began to step forward towards Bucky. Helmut Zemo began to walk into the garage through plastic flaps. "What did you do?!" Sam asked Bucky. "Hey hey hey!" Bucky said. Stopping both Sam and Viktoriya. His right hand was on Sam's chest and his left on Viktoriya's. "I didn't want to tell you, because I knew you'd be against it." Bucky admitted. Then dropped his right hand from Sam. "You're going back to prison!" Sam told Zemo.

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