Super Soldier Serum

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He glanced to her. Still slightly scared of what she might do. She walked past him and went to a chair across from Bucky and sat down with her legs closed. But she seemed unhappy. Bucky became concerned. "I'm sorry I didn't call." Sam told Sharon. "You gave up Cap's shield. But you had to have known, deep down inside, it was something you had to do. Right? Now things are just...crazy." She said. "Maybe so, but not so deep down." Zemo added. "By the way, how is the new Cap?" Sharon asked. "Don't even get me started." Bucky responded. Exasperated. "Please! You buy into all those stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were his pet assassin, you were Mr. America! Cap's best friend!" Sharon said, as she plopped herself down beside Bucky on the couch. "She's really got it on that one." Bucky said. "Karli Morgenthau has more of the serum. We gotta get it before it hits more people." Sam said, changing the subject. "You guys don't even know what you're getting yourselves into." Sharon told them. "Well, we're not gonna stop until we find out what they want. And why." Sam responded. "We, have a Doctor Nagal." Bucky told her. "Nagal works for the Power Broker." She said, and left him. Walking up to where Zemo was. Zemo walked away from her. "We need your help, Sharon." Sam told her. "I can clear your name." He said. "You playing with my life?" Sharon asked Sam. "It's not like that." He told her.

Viktoriya stood and looked to Sharon. As she sat on a stool and took a drink of liquor. Viktoriya walked up to her and took the glass from her hand and crushed it right beside her. It made a pop sound then glass shards trickled to the floor. Neither of the three men moved. Or said a thing. "I am done. With you making them beg. Just. Help." Viktoriya spoke, through gritted teeth. "Okay." Sharon said, calmly. "Okay." She repeated. Bringing down the tone in the room. Viktoriya slowly backed off from her. "In the meantime...I have to host clients. Blend in. Join the party." She said to them and headed to some stairs. "Try to stay out of trouble. I'll see what I can find." She added. Then left the room. "Trouble." Zemo said, and smiled a bit. Viktoriya looked to him. "Might be hard for you..." He added. Then took a drink. She looked to Sam, then Bucky. And walked away from them.  Heading to the stairs. Zemo looked to them. "Either of you know what that was about?" He asked them. They shook their heads. They kept sitting in the room for a few minutes. "Well, as much fun as it is sitting quietly in a room with you both, I'm going." He said and stood. "It is rather boring. I will agree." Zemo said and stood. Bucky stood and began to head out. Sam grabbed a brown leather jacket from the rack and got it on. They joined in the party. People were dancing to music. Some were really feeling the beat. Zemo was even dancing. As much as he could. Then was examining the portraits. Sharon was talking to clients.

Sam made his way to beside Viktoriya "You good?" He asked her. "I am focused." She responded. "I know you, looked at my arm because it's flesh. Not, metal." He admitted to her. "Your arms are cool. I mean, wicked cool." He complimented. Sharon found a lead and gathered them altogether and told them. The five of them left the place. They traveled in her car to a shipyard and got out. "Here?" Zemo asked. "Yep." Sharon responded. They began to walk among the sea cans, Sharon ahead, leading, as she had a GPS location on her phone. "Alright. It's in there. Container 56321. You guys talk to Nagal but hurry." She told them. "We're on borrowed time." She added. Giving them communicators. They began to put it in their ears. She looked to Viktoriya. "Can I trust you to watch my back?" She asked. Viktoriya slowly lifted her chin. "That means yes." Bucky told her. Sharon walked away from them as the guys walked to the container. Sam opened it to reveal an empty container. "Hey, Sharon. Are you sure this is the right one? It's completely empty." Sam told her over comms. "I'm positive. It has to be." She responded. Viktoriya looked to her. "It is!" Sharon told her. Zemo and Sam walked ahead inside. Then Bucky did. He kept watch at the doors. Zemo walked to the end of it and pushed on the wall. Opening a door. He looked to the three of them. Sam and Bucky upholstered a gun they each had. One by one they each entered. Hearing music echoing inside. Walking up some steps carefully, they peered at what they were walking into.

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