Chapter 18 (Josephs POV) Wasting Time

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Everyone in the room that I was in, went dead silent, after they had heard me talk. It was the opposite of what I had wanted, as I wanted to not be seen, and I had not wanted a bunch of eyes on me. It was nobody's fault, but my own, I suppose.
I saw all of the people in the room, all staring at me, as I could tell that many of them were confused as to what it was that I had meant as well. I was sure that many of them had met my father, just based on the fact that I had seen that he was in a conversation with a couple of them.
They did not know the story of my father though. He seemed to be some what normal at the moment, though I knew that he was not. I still could not forgive him that easily, for the way he had treated me, my sister, and my mother for the longest time.
It was a bit difficult for me to just act like he was back to normal, as I felt like, the moment he got power, and money, he would fall right back in to those same stupid ways, that he had been stuck, before the world had all gone to shit, at least.
Maybe that would not be the case, and maybe he in fact, had learned from his mistakes. I wish that I could trust that, but I knew who my father was, and it was a bit too hard for me to believe it, even though my sister, for some reason, had already begun to trust my father once again.
I let out a bit of a quiet sigh to myself, as I blinked a couple of times, as I then looked around, and noticed that all eyes in the room, were on me, at the current moment. I dipped my head down low a bit, as I had not wanted this attention, but it was only my fault to blame.
I stared at the ground for a bit of time, as I saw that many of them were confused on what was going on. I knew that they all knew who I was, and they knew how important of a person that I was as well, but they did not seem to have that in factor, as I knew that they were all just staring at me.
I stood there for a bit of some time, as I lifted my head up, just a bit, to see if they were all still staring at me, which I knew to be true, as the room was still silent, and not a single person had said a word back to who they had been talking to, when I had first walked in to the room.
It was even worse for me as well, as I knew I was attacking my father for some thing, and I had been the one to show up late to the meeting that was being held in the room at the exact moment. It was kind of a bit hypocritical of me, if I was going to be honest with myself.
I stared at the ground for a bit more time, as I did not even dare see all of the people that were looking at me at the current moment. I did not want to see the looks that they had on their faces, as I was getting a bit tired of having people judge me.
I stood there for a couple more seconds, as no one said a word still. I thought about what John would think about me, as I knew that he trusted my father quite a bit. I lifted my head up a bit once again though, as I heard a voice from one of the people that was at the table near me.
"I am sorry son... What is it that you are talking of?" He said to me. I looked over at the man, to see who it was that had spoken to me, just like John had told me to do. He had said, that people needed to know, to make sure that I had heard what they had said.
It felt a bit strange for John to tell that to me, as it seemed that whenever I spoke to him, he always had his head, and his eyes in the complete opposite direction of me. I noticed that when other people spoke to him though, he did in fact seem to be paying full attention on what it was that they were saying to him.
I had gotten used to it at this point as well, as I knew that he always listened, and that he always heard what it was that I had said to him, though often times he did not actually respond back to me. I knew that I could not be that way to these people though.
I looked at the man that had just spoken to me, as I then nodded to him at the same time as well. I looked at my father from the corner of my eye too, as I saw that he had his head low to the ground, as he knew that I had been speaking of him, as I had my eyes centered right on him when I had said it.
Luckily, no one else seemed to have noticed that it was my father that I had been talking of. I still did love my father, and I did not want to make him look a fool to all of these people that were in the room with us, at the current moment in time.
The man then nodded back to me, as the room stayed silent, as all of the eyes of the people in here, were all locked on me too. It gave me anxiety, as I did not like when a bunch of people were looking at me, and waiting for me to speak to them.
I suppose, that I would have to get over it very soon, as I was about to be speaking to over a thousand other people in just a couple of minutes. That felt a bit different to me though, as it felt that there was in fact a difference to speaking to a large open crowd, in a large open area, than speaking to a bunch of people in a squished in room.
I blinked a few times, as I realized that I had practically made a promise to speak back to the man, and it had been a few seconds since I had nodded to him as well. A lot of people had their eyes squinted at me, as many of them had suspicious looks on their faces.
It was as if they did not know, just who I was, which I knew could not be the case at all. John had taken me to one of their meetings, to let them know who I was. I stared for a few more seconds, as I cleared out those thoughts, at the exact same moment as well.
Just as I was about to speak to all of the people that were in this small little room in the tent with me, someone stepped in front of me, and decided to speak above me. I looked over to see who it was, as I realized that it was just John, I then listened to what it was that he had to say to everyone that was in the room right now.
"Im sorry Jeff... It's nothing to be worried about, lets just go ahead and get this meeting started... We are already running low on time." He said to all of us. A lot of the people stared for a few moments, as I could tell that they were confused, and also, that they had wanted to know what it was that I had been talking about.
I was glad that John had stepped in this time, as I did not want to make myself look like a fool, as I was not sure what to say to all of them, because I did not want to expose what my father had been like. I shook my head, as I saw that all of the people then went back to what it was that they were doing before.
I looked around, a bit confused as to what was going on, as John had just said that we were getting ready to start the meeting. Had they forgot what he had said that quickly? I shook my head though, as I saw John turn his head back over to me.
I saw that he had his eyes squinted at me as well, as he did not seem to look all that happy, as to what it was that I had just done. I did not blame him for it either, as he had to step in for me, to save my ass, and I knew that he was talking to someone before hand, and it seemed to be important.
John shook his head at me, as he let out a bit of a loud sigh at the same time as well. I blinked a couple of times, as I was not sure what was going on at the moment, nor was I all that sure what I should do, or be doing at the current moment in time.
John stared at me for a few more seconds, as he then began to speak to me at the sane time as well, but just before I had the chance to hear a single word of what it was that he had to say to me, I heard the voice of another man, begin to step in, as he then spoke to everyone.
I looked over to the person that was speaking up to the whole group, a bit surprised, and a bit confused, as I recognized the voice, to be the voice of my own father. I blinked a few times, as I listened to what it was that he had to say to everyone.
"He is surprised to see me, because I am a piece of shit, or at least, I was a piece of shit... He is right, I was a terrible father, and I see it now." He said to all of them. I stood there, and I stared at him for a few moments, as I was a bit shocked, as to what he had just said in front of all of them.
All of the people that were in the room at the moment, were all looking at each other, a bit confused as to what it was that was going on at the current moment. I did not blame them, as I was sure that a lot of them did not care, or they did not understand what we were talking about.
John looked over at my father, as I heard a bit of a loud sigh, as he rolled his eyes at the both of us. I then began to hear a lot of voices speaking to one another, a bit quietly as well, to my own surprise, as that was not what you would have typically thought it would be like, in a room much like the one I was in right now.
The people in here, definitely acted a lot different that you would think that it would be, at a place like the one I was at right now. I saw them all looked around at one another, as I saw many of them looking at my father at the same time as well.
I felt a bit bad for him, and I was wondering what it was that had made me even do this in the first place. It was quite a bit of an embarrassment, to me, my father, and even John to a certain extent, as it looked like a lot of people in here kind of liked my father.
It was the most embarrassing to me, I felt however, though it might feel like more to my father. It did not look like many people cared about how good of a father that he really had been at all. I lowered my head to the ground for just a couple of seconds.
I closed my eyes, as unlike John had done, as he had done it, as if he was purposely making sure that every person in the room could hear him, I let out a bit of a quiet sigh, that only I could notice. As I began to shiver, from all of the pressure.
Though, I heard voices of many people speaking to one another, it felt that all of the eyes in the room right now, were currently focused on me at the moment. Luckily though, I did not have to worry much longer, as I heard the familiar voice of Travis speak up to all of the people in the room.
"Why does this matter? We are wasting time..."

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