Chapter 39 (Jangras POV) The Plan

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I blinked a few times, as I was not only shocked with the response from Lunk, but I was also shocked as I had not a clue as to what it was that I had even just done in the first place. All I had remembered was that I had seen Lunk going to our side with a branch in his paw, and it was all just a blur after that.
I looked around the area that I was in, as I saw that there were shocked looks on the faces of all of the dragons that had been around me at the exact same time as well, as it was clear that they too did not have as to a clue as to what it was that they had just seen, and what it was that they had just witnessed unfold in front of them.
I was still a bit lost, as I saw a lot of dragons coming up on me, as a lot of them not only had looks of shock on their faces, but a lot of them had looks of excitement, and hope at the same time as well, for some odd reason or another, which confused me even more, as it felt like I might have just missed some thing.
But no... They were all staring at me, and that was what confused me even more. What had I just done? I was kind of a bit scared, as I continued to look all around me. I know I was used to a lot of dragons staring at me, as I was a leader, but it kind of scared me, as I had not a clue as to why they were, as I did not even remember what it was that I had just done in the first place.
I saw a look of blatant shock on the face of Lunk, which surprised me as well, as it was very rare that I saw that look on his face, as it was usually quite a bit hard to do any thing that might impress him. That was what he had just said right? I recall him saying the word 'impressive' just a few seconds ago to me.
I still was not all too sure, as it felt like every thing was flying by me so fast at the current moment. I heard a lot of voices, like I was stuck in some sort of scary dream, as I knew that there were a lot of dragons staring me down at the same time too. But the difference between this, and that kind of dream, was in those dreams, the dragons that were staring at me, stared at me like I was some sort of freak.
The dragons that were around me right now, they were staring at me like I was their leader. I was still kind of afraid of the fact that I was a leader, even after how many times that my father had told me that I needed to take in that fact at some point, and I needed to run with it, and I needed to use it as fuel, and energy.
It was so hard though, as I had never wanted to be a leader. All of my old group of friends, many of whom I saw were staring at me at this exact moment, always competed for which one of them was going to be the leader of the tribe some day in the future, but even I, the son of the leader, who should have all of the bragging rights on that, never was one to join in to all of that fuss.
I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I was doing my best to just stay humble. I let out a bit of a sigh, as I spotted Penta and Nink from the corner of my eye at the same time too, as they were my team mates, and they were the ones that I felt like I could look to for advice in this exact moment in time right now.
I saw that they were just like the rest of the dragons that were staring at me at this moment, as they too had a look of shock, as I saw that their jaws were dropped as well. I shook off all of those thoughts, as I did my best to ignore all of it, as I looked back over to Lunk, as he felt to be the safest dragon for me to look at right now.
As I focused my eyes on him at the same time as well, my ears began to be aware of the present, and all that was going on around me at the moment, as I heard a lot of voices for one, as I did my best to try to drown them out, but it was a bit hard because they were all around me, and it felt like they were swarming me at the same time too.
I blinked a few times, as I gulped at the same time too, doing my best to keep a conscious effort to not freak out, and not try to brag at the same time as well, which was quite a hard thing for me to do, as bragging was a thing that seemed to be in the nature of all dragons, as it felt like dragons always looked for some thing to brag about to their friends that they were with.
I sighed, as I gave up at the same time as well, as I then just let all of the voices get in to my head, as I listened to what many of them were saying to each other in the first place, as I closed my eyes. I shivered at the same time too, as I heard one dragon begin to speak, and I listened to what it was that she had to say.
"Did you see that?! It was just a crazy whirl of fire! That was so fast!" I heard her say, as I tilted my head at the same time too, as I was a bit confused as to what it was that she was talking about, and what it was that she had meant by what she had just said to all of the other dragons that were around her in the very first place.
I kept my eyes closed, and my head to the ground, which probably was not the best look for me to have at the exact moment, but it did not seem to matter, as most of the dragons that were around me right now, did not seem to care, nor did they seem to be paying any sort of attention on that any ways.
While the topic that was in the head of all of the dragons was on me right now, it was clear that none of them were paying me any sort of attention at this moment. I was actually kind of grateful for it as well, as I felt like I really did not want any of them to be looking at me, and I did not want them to see the scared look on my face either.
I shook my head, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts that were flying through my head like a swarm of black dragons, as I was not sure what it was that I should do at the moment, or what it was that I should respond to all of the dragons with, that were all talking about me all around me at this exact moment.
I blinked a few times, as I opened my eyes at the same time as well, but I kept my head down to the ground, as I stared at the ground. It was as if I had some sort of hope that a dragon would come over to help me, and to support me at this moment, and to tell me just what was going on right now, and what it was that I had just done.
Sadly that was not the case though, as it felt like I was alone right now, as I shivered just a little bit, as I felt a little bit sick at the same time too. This was one of those times that I wished that I had my brother Plok at my side, so that he would help me, and he would support me in all of this.
I sighed, as I just let all of the voices that were speaking to one another, come right back to me once again, as I almost wanted to drop a tear, as I was so freaked out right now, and I did not have a clue as to what it was that I should do. I blinked as I kept my eyes on the ground, as I listened to what another dragon had to say, as I heard him speak from the side of me, as it was a dragon on Lunks team.
"Wow... He really is the dragon of destiny isn't he?" I heard the dragon say to all of the dragons that were around him. I blinked a few times once again, as I was a bit confused as to what he had meant by that, and how in the world he had come to that conclusion at the exact same time too.
I turned my head to him, as I locked eyes with the dragon. The dragon blinked a few times, as he dipped his head to the ground at the exact same time too, just as I had been doing a few moments before hand. It was clear that he realized that I had heard what he had said about me to all of the dragons that were around him.
Normally, I would freak out, when I knew that a dragon was speaking about me, but this was not one of those cases, as I had heard what it was that he had said at the same time too. I felt a new sort of strength seem to take over me all at once, as I lifted my head up high, so that all of the dragons around me could notice at the same time as well.
I saw that Lunk looked at me, as he had his head tilted at the same time too, as it was clear that he was confused as to what it was that I was doing right now. I did not blame him for that either, as to be frank, I was not sure what it was that I was even doing right now either, if I was going to be honest with my self.
I shook my head, which I knew only confused the dragons that were looking at me right now even more. I did not care at this point, as I felt a new power take over me, as I smiled at all of the dragons that were around me at this exact moment in time, as I saw that many could not keep looking at me, as it was clear that I was the superior dragon to all of them.
I shook off those thoughts as I knew that was the greed taking over me, as I knew that was besides the point, and it took me away from the subject that I had gone up to all of them in the first place, as I was nearly ready to finally speak up to all of them. What was it that I was even planning on saying in the first place though?
To be honest, I did not have a clue, as I felt like I should just do this off of the top of my head. Maybe that was not so much of a bad idea either? It was some thing that I needed to practice, when I lead all of them in to battle. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I kept that same smile, as I finally began to speak up to all of them.
"What are we doing? Did the game just all of the sudden stop? Come on all of you! Lets get to moving!" I said, with the same grin on my face at the exact same time too. I saw a lot of dragons look at me, as the shock at first had gone away, but as soon as I had said what it was that I had said, the look of shock seemed to come back on many of their faces, as it was clear that they realized that I did not even realize what it was that I had just done.
No one said a word, nor did they move at all either, as if they had not heard what it was that I had just said to all of them, though I was fairly certain that I had said it loud and clear. I squinted my eyes at many of the dragons, such as Kota and Kip in specific, as I felt like I needed to prove a point to all of them, that the game was still going.
It was clear that they felt like they could not look back at me, as I saw their heads dipped low to the ground, even though they knew that I was looking at them. I let out quite a bit of a loud and annoyed sigh. For a game that it seemed like we had been in a rush to finish, it sure did feel like we were wasting a whole lot of time.
I shook my head, as I then turned my head over to Lunk, and I squinted my eyes at him, as he was the leader in all of this, and he was the one that had started this game, made the rules, and made the teams in the first place. It was clear that he could not lock eyes with me though, just like every one else, though he was the one that surprised me the most out of all of them.
I saw him stare at the ground for quite a bit of some time, as I knew that just like Kota and Kip, he also realized that I was staring at him. He knew that I was waiting for him to step up and speak to all of the dragons, to let them know that I had meant what it was that I had just said a few moments ago.
Lunk shook his head to my surprise, as he lifted his head up, and he looked at me for just a few moments. It was a look that told me that I had won, even though the game was not even over yet, which confused me quite a bit as well, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self, as it felt like there truly had been some thing that I had missed.
I blinked a few times, as I kept my eyes locked on Lunk, as I still felt like I needed to make it clear that I was not going to budge, and I wanted to continue on with this game. Lunk eventually nodded back to me, to my surprise as well, as he got a bit high up in to the air at the exact same time as well.
I looked at him, as I was a bit confused as to what it was that he was doing, until he then began to speak up loudly so that all of the dragons that were with us in the clearing, could hear what it was that he was saying. I nodded to him, as I was grateful for what it was that he was doing, as I was fairly certain that Socra was about to call all the dragons to the tribe grounds for her meeting that she had been speaking about before we started our training for the day.
All of the dragons that were around me at the same time too, saw that Lunk had gone up high in to the air, and finally, they looked away from me, which was a bit of a relief to me as well, as even if I did feel a lot stronger than I usually was, it still did not mean that I wanted a bunch of dragons to be staring at me.
I smiled a bit to my self, as it felt like things were going perfect for me, as I then focused my attention on Lunk at the exact same time too, as I heard him begin to speak to all of us. I nodded to him, as I saw that he had his eyes on me as he was speaking, to let him know that I was listening, just like all of the others, as to what it was that he had to say to us all.
"Every one! You heard what he said! Lets go! The game continues!" He said to all of the dragons that were in the clearing, and were playing the game with us. All of the dragons stood there for quite a bit of some time, as if they had not heard a word as to what it was that he had just said to all of them in the first place.
Lunk shook his head, as I all of the sudden saw him head over to the branch that he had dropped when I had taken him down to the ground not too long ago. As he picked it up, and began taking it back to our teams circle, that was when it seemed to be that all of the dragons that were in the clearing, then began to realize as to what it was that was going on right now.
It was clear that the both of us had meant as to what it was that we had said, as Lunk dropped the branch in the circle, and then he began head back to his own side, with his head a bit low to the ground, as I began to realize, as I saw that it seemed like he felt like he had failed his team.
His team how ever, seemed to think the opposite of that, as it was clear that a lot of them were in shock as to what it was that I had just done, which I still was not sure what it was that I had even done, as I was tempted to ask Kip, as I saw him walk past me, as he was heading back to his own side, to regroup with his team.
I shook my head though, as I felt like it did not matter at this point, as the game was not over yet, and it was 2-2... Sudden death, the next team to score was to win, and based off of the smiles that I saw from my own team, and on the other team, I saw that they had their heads to the ground, we had a bit of an advantage for the time being.
I nodded to my self, as I turned my head over to where I saw Penta and Nink standing beside each other, still with a bit of a shocked look on their faces, as it was clear that they still had not taken in what it was that they had just seen happen right in front of them. I grinned a little bit, as I headed over to them, just based of the fact that I saw Nink still had his jaw to the ground, as he was still lost, and shocked.
I shook my head though, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts as I headed over to them. I knew that the advantage that we had on the other team, would not last all that long, as at some point soon, they would get back in to the groove, and it would not take them all that long for them to get back to our circle so that they were able to score again.
I blinked a few times, as I was tempted to say that I should defend, but I also realized that it would get rid of any chance that we had of scoring our last point if that were the case. I nodded to my self, as I shook off all of those thoughts, as I then sat down to the ground, as soon as I got up close to both Nink and Penta.
Penta did not have a word to say to me about what it was that she had just seen me do, but Nink seemed to be just the opposite of that, as I saw him seem to be jumping up in down in excitement, as, as soon as I got close to the both of then, he immediately began to speak up to me, and I listened to what it was that he had to say.
"Holy hell! That was amazing Jangra! How did you do that?!" He said to me at first. I could not help but grin, as I could tell that he was a bit over the top in excitement at the moment, and it made me want to laugh. Nink had his eyes wide open, as it was clear that he was waiting for some sort of response from me, as if I was about to tell him all of my secrets.
The truth was though, there was no secrets that I had in the first place, as it all seemed to feel a bit normal, as to what it was that I had just done, and I still was not so sure as to what it was that was so special. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a strong dragon, as it had not been the first time that I had taken down Lunk.
I shook my head, as I felt like all of those thoughts were a bit useless at the same time as well, as I felt like we were wasting a fair bit of valuable time too, as I squinted my eyes at Nink. Nink noticed it right away, as I wish that I could say that I felt bad for him, as I saw him dip his head a bit low to the ground at the same time too.
I did not feel bad for him how ever, as I knew that I needed to keep my mind on focus as to what it was that I had planned on doing before all of that had gone down in the first place. I blinked a few times, as I did my best to try to remember what it was that I had planned on us doing.
I remembered that I had told them that I was going to take the lead for the both of them, and we were going to run in a circle over to their circle, where the last and final branch laid on the ground. I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as I knew that the plan was going to be a bit hard on me, as I knew that all 6 of those dragons were going to be coming after me.
That was just what we needed though, as it would give the both of them the chance to get in to the circle, after all of that, I felt like I could distract the other team enough to get one of them to take the branch to the other side, for us to score our 3rd, and final point, which would inevitably end the game for us...
I nodded to my self, as I was now ready to tell them what the plan was, as I then nodded to the both of them, to let them know that I was about to speak, and that they needed to pay attention to what it was that I had to say. Penta kept her eyes squinted on me, and her head tilted a bit, but after she had seen me nod, she nodded right back to me.
I then turned my head over to Nink, and I squinted my eyes at him, as I made sure that he was well aware that I was about to speak to him. He still had his eyes wide open, but he did in fact nod to me, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self after a few more moments, and then I began to speak to the both of them.
"Alright... The plan is to go as such... I am going to rush in, and hopefully, with the both of you behind me, it should be enough for you 2 to sneak in..." I said to the both of them at first, as I kept my eyes squinted at the both of them, to make sure that they had heard what it was that I had just said to them in the first place. They both seemed to be a bit out of it, which had me a bit worried, as it seemed like their thoughts were still focused on what it was that they had seen happen not too long ago. I shook my head, as I growled a bit loudly, which seemed to get their full attention, as I saw them both nod to me. I rolled my eyes, as I let out a sigh... This was the only plan that I had... This had to work for us... We weren't going to be sneaky like last time... I shook my head, and then I continued where I had left off on speaking to them. "Alright! Hopefully they will be focused on me! Lets go, while they are still a bit lost!"
I said it to the both of them, as if neither of them were lost at the moment, I shook my head though, as I saw the both of them nod to me, as it was clear that they had heard what it was that I had just said to him. I let out a bit of a loud sigh, as I figured that it was good enough for me, as I turned my head over to the other side.
We were right on the line to the middle, and I was ready at any moment to cross the line to the other side. I could still see that the other team was in a bit of a shock, and some panic still, after what it was that they had witnessed me do a few moments ago, as I saw them with fairly scared looks on their faces, as they were looking right at me.
As soon as they saw me look back at them as well, they then dipped their heads a bit low to the ground, as it was clear that they could not handle the pressure. To the ones that still were looking at me as well, as soon as they saw me grin at them, they seemed to join their team mates in the fact that they had their head to the ground.
I could not help but keep the smile, as I knew that this was perfect, and that this was our chance to score, while we had fear in them. I nodded to my self, as I then turned my head back to Nink and Penta, to make sure that they were both right behind me, just as I had told them to be not too long before now.
I squinted my eyes at the both of them, to make sure that they realized what was going on, and what it was that I was about to do. The both of them nodded, as they smiled right back at me, as I then turned my head, and my eyes back to the other team that was far ahead of us.
I was ready... It was time for me to go, this was our chance! I stood there for perhaps a second, as it seemed to be a bit of some hesitation from me, but I shook that off right away, as I then began flying, and flying fast! As I headed right to where the other team was near their circle.
I heard both Penta and Nink flying right behind me at the exact same time too, but I did my best to ignore the both of them, as I kept on going, keeping my mind focused on the task ahead, as I saw the entire other team move back a bit in some fear, as they saw me flying right over towards all of them, as if I was about to attack them.
I pushed through the first dragon quite easily, as it clearly left him in shock, as he had not a clue as to what was going on, or what to do. The 2nd and 3rd dragon for easy as well, but once I got to the 4th dragon, it was quite a bit hard, as I could tell that it was not going to let me go through it as easy as her comrades.
I pushed against her, and she held strong, as I saw Nink fly right past me, not having a care in the world as to what was going on with me, which I was glad for as well, as I was fairly certain that there was not much that he could do to help me any ways. Penta how ever, she did try to help me, which was good for me of course, as she tackled the dragon to the ground, but it was not good for her at all how ever, as I saw a flock of dragons fly up on her, taking her to the ground right in front of my eyes.
I blinked a few times, as I shook my head at the same time as well, as I knew that I should not be shocked at all, as I knew that at least one of us was going to be taken down, if not all of us. I blinked a few times, as I then looked ahead of me, as I saw that there was an open route if I went fast.
To my surprise, which was not normal for me at all, as I usually hesitated when it came to things such as this, this time how ever, I did not hesitate at all, as I then flew past the patch of dragons that were to the side of me, as I saw that there was only 1 dragon in front of me now.
This dragon how ever, was a bit smaller than most, as I then flew right towards it, as the dragon seemed to be a bit afraid of me, as it all of the sudden flew to the side to let me fly through. I smiled, as that felt a lot easier than it had expected. I felt a bit bad for the small dragon, as I had to assume that some one had seen that, and that she was going to get a lot of back lash.
I did not care though, as that was not my team, so it was not my problem. I shook my head, as I turned my head around at the exact same time, to see what was going on behind me, and what had happened to Penta. I blinked a few times, as once again, like I had seen from earlier, I saw that she had her head to the ground, as she was going back to our side.
She had been taken down, and whilst it was a bit disappointing, at the same time as well, I had not expected all of us to get through, much less me and Nink, as I looked at Nink with a bit of a smile on my face, as I nodded to him at the exact same time as well, glad to see that he had got safe in to the circle.
Nink nodded back to me, as I looked back to our side, to see what was going on over there at the exact same time too. I blinked as to my surprise at the same time too, I saw that it seemed to be good, and that my team seemed to be holding down the fort, as I could not see any dragons any where near the circle.
I knew that it would not last all that long how ever, as at some point, just like they had done earlier, one of the dragons would get through, and it would cause mayhem on our side. I shook my head, as I knew that it would happen soon, and I knew that my and Nink had to be quick.
Penta did not have a chance at getting back to the circle, and I knew it. This has to be a plan with me and Nink only, and I felt like I should do it fast as well, as I was not too sure as to how much time we really had. I blinked a few times, as I turned my head around, getting to focus of my eyes from off of our side, where our team was defending.
I looked at all of the dragons that were in the circle around us, as I saw that most of them had their focus on us, and that one of them, the small dragon, had its focus ahead of us, to clearly make sure that Penta did not get back over to their side, in the circle. As I saw Penta with her head down and walking slowly over to our side, I felt like they did not have much to worry about at all.
I let out a bit of a soft sigh, as at the same time too, I also felt like I should not have my focus on her at all either, as it was a shame that she had not got in to the circle with me and Nink, but it was nothing that I should be worried about, or any thing to have my thoughts on for too much time.
I turned my head back over to Nink, as I put my focus on him at the exact same time as well, as I saw that to my surprise, he had his eyes squinted at me too, which I was not sure if it was because he thought that I was doing some thing suspicious, or if he was waiting for me to speak.
I was not sure what it was I should say how ever, as I gulped a bit, not sure what to tell him, as he kept his eyes squinted at me. I dipped my head a little bit low to the ground, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh to my self at the same time too. I heard Nink begin to speak to me, but I kept my head down to the ground, as I listened to what it was that he had to say to me.
"So... What's the plan?"

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