Wolves In The School

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The wolves all walked off and they got to the vent that they would hide in as Willa and Wyleigh spoke disjointedly

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The wolves all walked off and they got to the vent that they would hide in as Willa and Wyleigh spoke disjointedly. Willa began the talking with Wyleigh following. "We'll hide here." Willa began. "Find the girl." Wyleigh continued already understanding the idea that the alphas had between them. "Get our moonstone." That was the most key part of the plan they had. "And leave this god awful place." That was the main final step and she also wanted to make them all know that they shouldn't mess with the wolf pack.

"I wouldn't call it awful. They got some thing called Froyo." Wyatt got this look from the two girls telling him to shut up as the other wolves with them began getting into the vent. The girls rolled their eyes at him as Willa got into the vent.

"Really babe the people that stole out one form of strength from us don't have a god awful place to live." She gave him a look causing him to agree with her.

"Yeah you're right this town's the worst." Wyleigh gave her boyfriend a peck on the lips before she went into the vent with him following behind her. And he closed the vent behind them to make it seem like no one was really in the vent when there were a group of wolves ready to get their moonstone back.


The next morning none of the students of Seabrook knew that there was a pack of wolves in the vents ready to make their way out.

They made their way out of the vent as all of the students were somewhere cheering: "The great alpha is near."

"Focus." Willa reminded her brother as they stared off in a non intimidating way for Wyleigh as she knew how intimidating they could both be.

"Remember we're fierce, we're savage." Wyleigh finished off for Willa as she told them what they all are as wolves.

"We're werewolves" And she was so into being intimidating towards any human that was in their way as Wyleigh was ready to howl like she did in the forest that day to the humans to get them out of her way.

"That's right Wynter." This made Wynter outwardly happy as she had praise from one of her alpha's and the other Alpha she already knew was always proud of her even if she rarely showed it.

"We're scared of nothing." This wasn't true for the werewolves as they had only one true fear especially for the two alpha's.

"Except Silver." Wyatt reminded them as Wyleigh turned and faced the wolf pack and she saw one of the wolves holding a trophy that was obviously silver and she was ready for them to howl in pain as she said: "Oh no here we go."

"Yeah silver" Wynter had to admit defeat with that one but then Wyatt and Wynter began to say all of their fears. Willa and Wyleigh shared a look as they looked at their two other favourite pack members of those at the school. "And tics." "And rabies."

"Come on be quiet we can be in and out of here before they even know we are here." The four heard a sizzles and Wyleigh watched on as a pack member places his hand on the silver and it burned him and he yelped out in pain. This was then passed between two female pack members before it got to Wynter as she yelped out.

"Ow silver ow pain. I can take it. I can take it. ow. no I can't." Wynter threw it a bit in the air with every noise that she made with it before Wyatt caught it after she threw it after she couldn't stand the silver anymore. He held it by the base which wasn't silver saving them from the pain of it.

"Nice grab babe" Wyleigh complimented him as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Come on." Wyleigh followed Willa after her words and Wyatt blushed and he put it away as they made their way towards the girl.


The pack of wolves saw the human cheering for a zombie which was a bit weird for them to see and they looked through this glass door which was clouded at a certain height and Wyleigh was barely able to be seen over the glass.

But this girl looked back at them and called out in fear "Werewolves."

This caused the pack to walk out as they had been spotted. They all growled as the humans began running around the hall in fear. Wyleigh yelled out with Willa: "There she is. Grab her." They raced forward faster as they said this before the zombie on the stage yelled out some random numbers and the American Football team moved into a formation in front of the girl.

"Where's the moonstone white hair." Wyleigh liked the nickname the girl had gotten and she was lurched forward with Wyatt making sure she didn't go any closer.

"I think you've gotten the wrong person." The girl said back in fear of them all and that didn't make them any happier as they may have done all of this for nothing and Wyleigh was close to glaring at Wyatt at this point.

"Our razor sharp claws will gut them and splat their blood." Wyleigh nodded at Wynter's words as the humans and Zombies moved back away from them if they could any further. "Too much." Wynter said.

"Nope it was perfect Wynter." Wyleigh told the girl making her a bit pleased before Willa and Wyatt looked at the two.

"Wolves on our command." Willa and Wyleigh said as their eyes glowed yellow. and everyone else's glowed yellow with their moonstones glowing an even brighter blue. And the football team moved even further away from the as they were even more scared of them.

"Willa, Wyleigh. We can't go to war with the whole town. We'll never find the moonstone if they are on high alert." The two girl groaned between themselves and Wyatt threw an arm around Wyleigh as he wanted to make sure that she wouldn't lurch forward as she had always had a short fuse with her temper and he knew how much she wanted to help all of the older wolves to get them back to full strength.

"I hate it when your right. Wolves stand down." Wyleigh joined in with the second part of that to make sure they would listen. They saw everyone relax a little bit. Fully for the wolves but the humans and zombies were still a bit tense as they could see how tense the wolf under her boyfriends arm was. "Sorry we werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to join your school." This made Wyleigh upset as she knew that this would probably force them to join the school.

"What they can't join our school?!" Someone who was cowering behind three cheerleaders remarked before a teacher said: "Technically the forbidden forest is within the school district." This shocked everyone and Wyleigh rolled her eyes.

Then the girl they were looking for stepped forward and said. "Welcome to Seabrook." Which was a bit too peppy for Wyleigh to handle as she stepped even closer if that was possible to the wolves. This called Wyleigh to take a step back closer to Wyatt as she didn't want to be close to that pep.

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