Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

While I'm unconscious, I'm still aware of everything going one around me. Like Drew running into the hospital, yelling for help. Or getting the feeling that there are suddenly a lot of people around me. Then the feeling of Kinetics close by.

I hope the doctor or nurse that's going to help me are both Kinetics so that they'll understand my rapid healing ability.

I feel something poke one of my hands, then slide into a vain. I've never had to go to the hospital before, so I don't know what it could have been. But I do know that I'm being wheeled away.

For a while, everything is silent. I don't even hear the sounds of footsteps or wheels anymore, and I'm not sure I like this unconscious silence. It creeps me out. I've always been able to depend of my senses, especially my hearing.

Then all of a sudden, I hear music start to play and people talking. Good, the silence is over!

I've heard of surgeons putting on music on while they do surgeries, so maybe I'm in the OR.

After a few more minutes, I feel someone cut away my muscle shirt and spread a cold liquid over my midsection. Maybe to sterilize it? Then I feel something sharp.

About halfway through the operation, I feel myself slipping back into consciousness, but I force it away. At least until they've gotten the bullet out of me.

When I feel a needle going through my skin, I know that they've finished and are just stitching me up now. So I think it's safe for me to wake up.

I slowly open my eyes to see a whole bunch of bright, white lights. I groan a little bit as the lights sting my eyes. The person stitching me pauses, surprised that I'm awake. Then he calls someone else over.

The surgeon-I'm guessing-also looks surprised to see me awake, but he asks the big question, "How are you awake?"

"How many?' I ask vaguely. My voice is scratchy, I guess due to the fact that I've lost lots of blood and I haven't had anything to drink for a few hours.

"How many what?" The surgeon questions, confused.

I wonder if I've got enough strength to talk telepathically to the surgeon, but it's worth a try. The worst that'll happen is I'll pass out again.

"How many Kinetics are in this room?" I ask him in his mind.

All of them. The man that brought you sensed me and asked me to get a team of only Kinetics. You can speak freely. The guy thinks back to me. Seems like he's met another Kinetic that can read and talk to minds.

"I'm awake because I have a healing ability and a knack for survival, which both help fight any drugs entering my systems." I say out loud, answering the surgeon's earlier question.

"Never met anyone with more than one ability. Neat."

"So what did the bullet in my stomach hit?" I ask.

"More midsection than stomach. The bullet didn't puncture anything, making you lucky. It had gotten lodged between two of your ribs, causing you to have two broken ribs and a hole through the muscles in your right shoulder." The surgeon replies. I nod like this isn't the worst that I've heard or gone through. And it's not.

"And the guy that brought me here? Is he still here?"

"Yes. He had to wait in the waiting room. We haven't gone to get him yet."

"Good. Don't. He'll only hate my next decisions."

"Which are?" The surgeon prompts.

"Let me leave. Tell him either I didn't make it or I got the best of all of you guys and ran, whatever. Doesn't matter what you tell him." I explain quickly, a plan forming.

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