Steve's Sweaters

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Steve is a cutey who decides to buy Christmas sweaters for all the Avengers.

Bucky was curled up on the couch reading and enjoying the peace and quiet. It wasn't very often you found yourself alone in the Avengers tower so he tended to make the most of it.

He glanced up as movement caught in his peripheral vision and found that it had started to snow. He'd been waiting for it all day, having woken up sensing that it's impending arrival.

Steve had gotten stupidly excited when he'd told him. He'd been hoping for a white Christmas.

"Hey, Buck!"

Bucky looked up as Steve entered the living room with a shiny bag that was full of parcels and couldn't help but stare at the hideous sweater that he was wearing. It was bright green and had a snowman on the front with what he was guess were supposed to be snowflakes.

"Nice sweater." He stated dryly, but Steve simply grinned.
"You seen Tony? I have something for him." Bucky shrugged.
"The lab I'm guessing." That's where he normally hides. Steve was off in a flash.

Just as Bucky had suggested Tony was down there tinkering with one of his suits. Shocker.

"Hey, Tones! I have a present for you!" Tony looked up and smiled at his doting boyfriend. "It's not Christmas yet Cap." Steve shrugged, pulling the parcel out of the bag he'd been carrying.

Tony opened up the present to find a bright red sweater. He pulled it out to get a better look and found that it had a reindeer's head on it and bells on each antler.

"Uh, wow." He said taking it in. "That's... it sure is something." Steve was grinning at him with excitement. "You like it? I've got one for everyone!" Somehow he couldn't imagine the others taking so kindly to that. "Wow, thanks, Steve. It's... great."

Steve watched him expectantly and Tony grudgingly pulled the sweater on over his head. He had to resist the urge to scratch at the back of his neck where the material was rubbing his skin.

Steve beamed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You look handsome." He declared and Tony put on the best smile he could muster. He felt ridiculous.

He grabbed hold of Tony and dragged him off to find the others.

Tony had to admit he was impressed. Never in a million years had he expected Steve to get Natasha into a Christmas jumper with a penguin on it, let alone that she'd actually like the damn thing.

"It's cute Stark." She'd snapped when she'd seen his expression as she pulled it over her head. Since when do master assassins do 'cute'?

"Last stop Bucky." Steve grinned as he dragged Tony off once more.

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