Let It Snow (Hawksilver)

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Clint hates snow. Pietro loves snow. Pietro is determined to change Clint's mind.

Clint had never really understood people's fascination with snow. It was cold, wet and slippery. Why would you want to be out in it? All it ever seemed to do was cause problems.

The twins on the other hand seemed to love snow. You'd think growing up in Sokovia, where it had snow more often than it didn't, would mean they were used to it. Apparently not.

The second Pietro noticed the first few flakes slowly falling he was shouting for Wanda and they both began freaking out.

"What's with all the noise?" Tony grumbled around his mug of coffee. "It's snowing!" Wanda cried excitedly, face glued to the glass window like a small child. "So?" Clint asked, mildly annoyed he'd probably be unable to get up to the roof for a while.

The look the youngsters gave him was of total disbelief. "Come on, surely you're not so old you've forgotten how fun snow is." Pietro quipped. Clint just shook his head and gripped his mug a little tighter. "I will never understand people's obsession with snow."

The snow finally stopped falling around lunchtime but it had left a thick blanket behind, coating everything in white. It was starting to give Clint a headache every time he looked out the window.

"Clint, get dressed." Tony grinned as he walked into the shooting range, dressed in a thick winter coat, scarf and gloves. "I am dressed." Clint raised an eyebrow as he looked him up and down. Tony just rolled his eyes.

"We're going out." He explained.
"Out where?"
"The park I think." Clint pulled a face.

"Who's idea was that, Steve's?"
"Pietro's actually." Clint sighed and shot off another arrow.

"Come on Clint, the kid deserves a break. He's barely left the tower since we got him back here."
"Well, he was shot like a dozen times." Clint pointed out.

He'd been amazed when Dr Cho had been able to fix him, it was every Christmas miracle he'd ever wanted wrapped up into one. Not that he'd ever admit that.

"Yeah well, he wants to go play in the snow so suck it up and get ready." Clint grudgingly did as told.

Despite the cold, the streets were busy with families and excited young children, making the most of playing in the snow. Wanda and Pietro were just as bad, looking around in wonder at every like it was the most amazing thing they'd ever seen.

"Cheer up, it's not that bad," Natasha smirked as she linked her arm with Clint as they walked. He huffed a laugh in response. "Seriously, it's good to see those two relaxed and enjoying themselves for once." Clint nodded in agreement. "I guess so." He had to admit he'd never seen them both look so young and carefree.

"You know he asked for you," Natasha said absently, knowing only too well where Clint's eyes were going. "Huh?" He turned to her surprised. She nodded. "We were just gonna leave you to it but he insisted you come too." Clint didn't really know what to say to that.

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