Ice Skating (Winterhawk/Stony)

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Bucky sucks at Ice Skating but Clint is willing to show him how it's done.

"Steve this is a terrible idea." Bucky sighed as he pulled up in the parking lot. "Come on Buck it'll be fun." Steve beamed and Bucky hated him for it. "I don't understand why I even had to be here. I hate being the third wheel." Steve sighed and gave him an encouraging smile. "You're not gonna be a third wheel, Rhodey's coming too." Well, at least he's not denying that he and Stark are a thing now.

They walked up to the Ice rink to see Tony waiting for them. "Bad news I'm afraid guys. Rhodey's sick." Bucky let out a groan and glared sideways at Steve. How did this keep happening to him?

They headed up to the booth and exchanged the shoes for skates. Bucky watched the people already on the rink and gulped. "I've never done this before." He muttered to Steve. He squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "You'll be fine Buck, you'll get the hang of it."

They all got on and Bucky was instantly clinging on to the side for dear life. "Relax Barnes." Stark grinned. "You just gotta slide your feet forward, one after the after." Bucky nodded and tried to copy Tony's movements. It couldn't be that hard right?

They stayed with him for the first hour before he told Tony and Steve to go off. He didn't want to ruin their afternoon and he could tell Tony was getting frustrated with him and he knew he'd only end up punching the guy if he wasn't careful. Steve probably wouldn't appreciate that.

As he fell on his ass again he watched as the same purple hoodie zoomed past him for the fifty billionth time that afternoon. It was incredibly frustrating to watch everyone totally ace it when he couldn't even make it around once without falling over.

He gripped onto the side and pulled himself back up onto his feet. He took a deep breath and slowly slid his foot forward. He lifted his back foot to move himself forward and lost balance. The impact jolted up his spine as he hit the ice. "Son of a-"
"You okay?"

Bucky looked up in surprise as Purple Hoodie hovered awkwardly beside him. "Yeah, fine." He muttered as he pulled himself back up again. "You sure?"

He pulled the hood back to reveal blonde hair and inquisitive eyes.

"No, okay. I was forced to come here because my best friend thinks I need to make friends and get out more. I then spend the afternoon on my own trying to make it round this damn rink just once without landing on my ass whilst watching the likes of you skate circles around me like it's the easiest thing on earth." The guys smirked at him.
"Feel better?" Bucky had to admit he did.

"Alright come on." The guy said, offering out his hand. "Let me show you how it's done." Bucky raised an eyebrow at him before gingerly taking his hand. "I'm Clint by the way." He said with a smile as he gently pulled Bucky away from the edge. "Bucky."

"So let me get this straight," Clint said as they slowly made their way around.

Though Bucky was still holding onto Clint's hand he was no longer clinging onto him for dear life, the more time he spent practising with Clint the more confident he felt. He could do this.

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