White Christmas & Monopoly

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After a mission goes wrong Steve, Tony and Bucky are forced to spend Christmas together in a SHIELD safehouse.

They remained silent as they trudged uphill towards the safehouse. The atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable but Tony had no desire to change that. He was quite content to remain silent and make it clear how very pissed off he was about this whole situation. Stupid asshole could have gotten us all killed.

It turned out that Steve was now doing this whole rogue vigilante thing since he was no longer an Avenger and was technically a fugitive. He didn't really have many options but he couldn't seem to stop himself from fighting what he deemed to be the good fight. Taking down Hydra one base at a time, and trying to find a cure for his best friend along the way.

Tony had to admire his dedication and persistence even if it was a lost cause. There was no magic cure-all for the Winter Soldier, that much was inherently obvious. Well, to everyone but Steve anyway.

Unfortunately for Tony, this new path Steve had decided to take had led him right into the way of an Avengers mission to get some delicate information and destroy the base. He'd managed to fuck them over quite spectacularly by getting in the way and just being a general pain in the ass whilst they tried to get what they needed.

It had also lead to Tony getting split up from the rest of the team whilst saving Steve's sorry ass from getting blown up as they'd destroyed the base. He'd been pretty pissed off at that because he hadn't had the chance to go in and raid the archives for anything related to the Winter Soldier.

The blast had knocked out Tony's comms so with no way of getting into contact with anyone he'd made the decision to just head up to the safe house. It was their in case of emergencies meeting place so Tony figured it was the best bet. They'd figure it out, right?

The only issue now was that Steve had decided to invite himself along for the ride which of course meant Bucky was coming too and Tony really wasn't prepared for any of this. As a result, he'd decided to just ignore their existence.

Steve was obviously as pissed as Tony because he hadn't even tried to talk to him, not that Tony cared. He didn't want to talk with Steve, he really didn't. He wanted to punch him in his stupid face but he sure as hell didn't want to talk to him. Tense, angry silence it is then.

"It's going to snow," Bucky said absently, looking up at the sky. He was tense and alert with eyes darting all over the place and silent movements that came with being an assassin. "What's the matter Tinman? Afraid you'll rust?" Tony snapped, not bothering to look around. "Shut up Stark." Steve snapped. Glaring at the side of his head. Oh, it's on.

Tony turned to face him, anger bubbling up inside him. "You wanna go, Rogers? Then take a swing because I am done with your shit. You think you're some righteous hero saving the world? All you're doing is getting in the way and nearly getting yourself and everyone else killed." Steve didn't even flinch at his words. Bucky seemed to take a step back, trying to shrink away from the impending explosion. "What would you know about being a hero? You can't see past your own damn ego long enough to do something that isn't gonna benefit you in some way." Kettle meet pot.

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