Chapter 11- Returning to Beauxbatons

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I meandered the crowded halls. People were still arriving from the holidays so no one noticed me. I didn't want to find Giselle. I didn't want to see her face.

Because if I did, I'd never want to leave. I couldn't avoid her forever. Or could I? That wasn't going to happen.

I had two choices. Make the most of my time here however long it'll be or avoid everyone to save us all the pain.

Both sounded like bad plans to me.

I was walking in circles around the gardens until the sun had begun to set.

"Accio trunk" I whispered in the moonlight.

My trunk flew to my side and nearly knocked me flying.

"Ooof" I let out a gasp then whispered "Lumous"

Light-filled the gardens. They appeared spookier now, hedges and plant shadows everywhere, scaring me half to death.

As I made my way into the overly warm castle, I realized dinner had finished long ago. There were no students and only a roaring fire stood crackling quietly in the hall. It was like me in a way. It wanted to be heard but no one would listen. They just built me up to let me die.

I waltzed past it, ran up the stairs, and soon found my way to my common room. It was filled up there, once I made my way past the door. Everyone was excitedly chatting about their holidays. Of conversations I caught or could make out, some people went traveling whilst others visited each other and spent their time relaxing.

"Lucky," I thought, thinking about my depressing holiday.

I made my way into my dorm, set down my trunk, and silently unpacked.

"Persie" I gasped out loud in the middle of unpacking "I should go see her. But, I don't want to see Giselle"

Without another stupid thought, I made my way down to her common room.

I approached the leaf with caution.

"What's going to be my excuse for arriving late?" I pondered, pacing the doorway.

"Maria?" Someone's voice rang out.

I turned to see Theo.

"Theo" I sighed, holding my now racing heart "You frightened me"

"Sorry" He chuckled "It's good to see you."

He walked closer and enclosed me in a soft hug.

"Yeah, s-same."

"I thought you'd be here, because of Giselle."

"How did you know we were friends again?" I asked.

"You know, um. I saw you together" He chuckled nervously.

"You weren't watching me were you?" I teased.

"No! No I wasn't" He laughed, shaking his hands.

I heard the door crack at that moment and Giselle and Valerie walked out, laughing.

"Maria!" They both squealed, Valerie also enwrapped me in a hug.

My fears melted away almost instantaneously.

"Where have you been?" Giselle giggled.

Then they both stopped and stared at Theo.

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