Part 12

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"Matthew? Are you awake?" Matt rubbed his eyes, and sat up. Elise was in the doorway, and it was light out. Weeks had passed and Matt was sort of getting used to the routine around the camp.

"I am now." She giggled. He grinned, Maybe I can get Natalie to spare her. She's kinda cute.

"Breakfast is in about 10 minutes, do you need any help?" He shook his head,

"I don't think so." Matt tried to stand up out of bed, but fell back down immediately,

"OK, I lied. Can you get someone?" She nodded and went to go and get her Dad, Keith. Matt pushed his hands through his hair, and they ended up over his face. Damn, it's worse than I thought. Natalie won't be pleased that Nathaniel injured me so badly, so that the mission is on hold.

"Elise said you needed some help?" Matt looked up, and Keith was in the doorway, wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and an apron. His blonde hair was dusted with flour, and Matt noticed that there were some handprints on the apron, probably from Eric.

"Yeah, with my leg, I can't stand up at all. I fell last time I tried to get up." Keith shook his head, while his blue eyes danced with amusement. Matt scowled,

"It's not funny."

"Yeah, it kinda is."

"Is not."

"Is too. Need help getting dressed? I've got some old jeans that'll fit over the bandage that you could use."

"Sounds good. Thanks Mr. Reyes."

"No problem, but I've got my eye on you, bud." He practically spat the last word, He really doesn't like me. Matt thought as Keith withdrew to grab the jeans, as promised. When Keith returned, Matt had somewhat gotten ready. He had done a few things, like brushing his hair and putting on a shirt, and was waiting expectantly for Keith.

"Ya know what I think?" Keith asked as Matt took the jeans,

"I think you could be alright, but still, there's something off about you. I can't place it though."

He's onto me! Mayday! Mayday! We're screwed. Ish.

"Thank you. What's for breakfast?"

"Something you're gonna eat."

"Okay, you really don't like me do you?"

"Nope. But I'm playing nice for Elise's sake. Is that clear?"

"As mud."

"If you hurt her, you're dead."

"That makes more sense."

"Good. Want some help getting outside?"


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When Matt and Keith stepped out into the camp, they were greeted with a pretty funny sight, Eric was trying to help Jessica with the cooking. Her eyes latched onto Keith,

"I probably should go help them." He said, Matt nodded and sat on one of the chairs outside. Bryon smirked,

"You doin' OK bud?" Matt nodded, he had to tread lightly with the Wynnes as well. Anything he said could give him away. Anything. In his head he went through his mission, finding the families, capturing them, and . . . then what? Natalie wanted to murder them, Nathaniel wanted to throw them in jail or forgive them, and Matt, well, Matt didn't know what he wanted to do to them. He liked Elise, but he wasn't sure he wanted to turn her over. At least this injury will give me time to think about the decision of whether to actually betray them. Who knows, maybe I can convince the (g)Nat twins to let the families go. Get everyone in on taking pictures of the families being "dead". Everyone will be happy, right?

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