Part 4

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Jessica was cleaning up the camp after lunch when Keith and two other people came through the opening in the brush. She didn't see them at first, but the kids saw their dad, and then they saw the two strangers. Elise gasped, Eric gasp-shrieked, and they both ran and hid behind Jessica. Jessica took a step back, not really recognizing Bryon and Aria in their bedraggled state.

"Keith," She began, her voice shaking,

"Who are they?" Keith looked from Bryon and Aria to Jessica a couple times,

"You seriously don't recognize them Jess?" Jessica shook her head,

"No Keith, honest-to-God I really don't." Aria is looking around, and takes one step away from Bryon, and then thinks better of it. He wraps his arm around her. Bryon notices that she is still wearing his jacket and smiles. Keith shakes his head,

"Jess, it's Bryon and Aria." Jessica takes a moment and the recognition clicks,

"Oh My Gosh, ARIA!" Jessica almost tackles Aria, and they wrap each other in a fierce hug. Keith introduces Bryon to Elise and Eric, Elise remembers Bryon and Aria a little, for she was born before they were married and before the "no more children law". Jessica introduces Aria, and Elise squeals at the sight of Aria's stomach.

"Mom, look! She's going to have a baby!" Jessica looked Aria in the eye, the men watched as they had a hushed conversation with each other. Elise grabbed Bryon's hand,

"Can I show you our garden? It's been doin' real well, the E.G.H.'s haven't stepped on it since last May." Bryon looked at Elise,

"Sure, you show me your garden." Elise smiled and practically dragged Bryon to the garden. It was doing real well as she had stated. Bryon smiled, Aria came over with Eric doing the same thing that Elise did to him, although it was funnier. I think we might actually be happy here Aria. Bryon thought.

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