Part 1

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Aria and Bryon were running, running away from everything. Ethis, their family, their friends. They could not risk someone finding out about Aria. If someone knew, it was all over. If they stopped running now, it would be over. All of it, their marriage, friendship, and new family. Aria was showing signs of being pregnant. Turns out she was. It was then they knew that they had to leave it all behind, and become like Jessica and Keith Reyes, running, hiding, and being free. At least, that was what was said about them. Bryon and Aria could not forget their friends who told them the night before they ran away

"Aria, Bryon, we have to do this, we'll be a beacon of hope for other families." That was it.

They were all childhood friends before marriage, and that helped to know the person beforehand, so you could feel semi-comfortable with the fact that Partners were chosen for you. This was custom for years before the war was won. Aria and Bryon had been married one year before the law of "no more children" was passed. Aria had just found out she was pregnant. They ran away one week after that law. Bryon and Aria were trying to not get caught, they were trying to not give in to the fake promises the Ethis government paid Hunters to say. Bryon and Aria knew that the promises were fake, the second they gave in, Aria would be killed, and most likely Bryon as well. So they had to keep running. For themselves, and for the Reyes's. Aria was gasping, Bryon was breathing hard, though not as hard as Aria.

"Bryon, please, we need to slow down a little."

"Aria, you know what will happen if we do that."

"Yes, but I'm seeing stars."

"I know I am too, it's nighttime."

"No, Bryon, I'm seeing starssss." Aria bent down over her waist, wretched, and promptly collapsed. Bryon, not seeing her need pressed on for a few feet, and realized she was not behind him,

"Aria? Aria? ARIA?!" Bryon, swiftly turning around, retraced his steps to find Aria unconscious, and Ethis Gov. Hunters super close to seeing her. Bryon, being Bryon, hoisted Aria onto his back, and ran. Well, it was more of a light jog, but he was going away all the same. Aria was so peaceful, why can't the world except us, and our baby? Bryon Thought. Why can't we all be the same? Things were about to get even more unfair for Bryon and Aria. The Ethis Government Hunters (E.G.H. from now on) knew that they were still alive, and running. The Ethis Gov. wanted the Wynnes and Reyes's dead, and they would stop at nothing to get them into that state. Nothing. Aria's family (before the marriage) were not favorites of the Government as Bryon's was. His family was in the profession of Law, so lawyers, judges, House, Senate. All of them, someone from Bryon's family had been in, even the Leader. So, the Government had reasons to like the Wynnes. The Andersons on the other hand, not so government-friendly. They were the rule breakers, and the thieves, proposing against the law. They were the ones trying not to get caught everyday, but with everyone in the Refugee camp, that was a daily struggle. So Aria and Bryon came from different homes, but they still managed to become friends, and the system for matching up people seemed to think that they were a good match. Everyone else, they thought otherwise. Everyone scorned them, and the only ones who would not shun them were their other childhood friends, Jessica Vroncorn and Keith Reyes, now Jessica and Keith Reyes, but they didn't shun them all the same. The 4 friends went through the misery together. Everyone shunned them, even their own parents.

"Hey, Aria. You awake?" Bryon shook Aria gently after setting her on the ground, they had evaded the E.G.H.s for now. Aria's deep chocolate-brown eyes fluttered open. She pushed some strands of blonde-brown hair out of her face, and turned to face Bryon. Good, gosh! I'm so glad she's the one I'm married to. Byron thought as he watched Aria recover from her collapse. I'm glad we're friends as well. I don't know what I'd do without her. Aria studied Bryon's puzzled thinking face. His blue-black hair flopping over the piercing light blue eyes. She was glad they were married as well. They both began making camp for the last of the night that was available to them. They had been traveling at night so it made staying out of the E.G.H.'s sightline easier, than in the daytime.

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Later that night by the roaring campfire, Bryon and Aria sit in silence reviewing the events of the day. Including (but not limited to) Aria's collapse, the close encounter with the E.G.H.s and well, I don't think they were thinking about much else.

"Aria, why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I did, you didn't listen."

"Aria, please! Don't be mad. I still love you."

"And I you." The two quickly touch lips and turn back to the fire. It's been kind of awkward for the two since they found out about the baby. Bryon's eyes are slowly drawn to Aria's stomach, where he can see how her tank-top is taut around her and the baby. Aria looks at him questioningly and he turns away, focusing on the way the leaves of the trees move due to the wind. Aria rolls her eyes and lies down, her head on Bryon's lap. His eyes widen, but Aria doesn't notice. Her breathing slows down and eases into the gentle rhythm of sleep, Bryon smiles, grabs his jacket and wraps it and his arm around Aria in a protective way and whispers

"I won't let them get us Aria, I won't. Not with our family so close to being completed."

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