Part 8

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"Dad, what's going on? We heard screaming." Keith looked up from his lap to see Elise and Eric round the corner,

"It's nothing, I promise." He gritted his teeth as Aria's muffled scream filtered through the door. Eric's eyes widened,

"Elise?" He spoke with true fear laced through his voice, it was shaking as well.

"Dad," Elise leaned in, her long hair slid over her shoulder, and lowered her voice,

"Is the baby coming?" Keith just nodded. Her eyes registered the importance of not letting Eric know,

"C'mon Eric, dad was right it's nothing." Keith nodded to her, the way she was handling the situation was considerably better than either he or Bryon probably were. Eric took Elise's hand,

"But what about the screaming?" She clasped his hand,

"I'll sing to you." He nodded, and followed her obediently. Elise looked over her shoulder before they disappeared from sight, and gave a small smile. That was all it took for Keith to follow them. I'm sure Jess won't mind. He grabbed paper and a pen, Just in case, I'll leave a note telling her where we are. He walked down the dimly lit hallway, and heard Elise singing, she was singing some song, that somehow had no lyrics, but was beautiful all the same. Keith inhaled, and exhaled, and pushed open the door. Elise was stroking Eric's hair, and he was almost asleep, but woke up a little when Keith entered. They shifted, and resumed, Keith joining in with Elise, and soon he had two sleeping, or almost sleeping, kids on his lap. He smiled as he ran his hand through Elise's har. It's just like her mother's. Silver, long, and soft. He thought. He turned his attention to Eric, who had gotten the blue-black hair from his dad, and Jessica's mom. He rubbed his son's head, and soon he, himself was asleep as well.

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Jessica let out another exasperated breath,

"Are you sure you can't get her to relax anymore?" Bryon shook his head,

"If she was asleep, but that won't be happening with the pain."

"And she took all of the medication?"


"I might be able to get her to relax, but, it's a long shot." Bryon nodded. Jessica gulped, and started pulling together ingredients, after they were all mixed together she gave it to Bryon.

"Get her to drink this." He put the cup to her lips, and after about half of the cup was gone she passed out.

"Whew, OK we've got about an hour. Let's do this. Bryon, come over here." He let go of Aria's hand, and went to the post Jessica had indicated,

"You know what you're doing, right?" She pursed her lips into a tight line,

"Yes Bryon. I do. Now, will you let me work?" He gave a crisp nod,

"Good. Make sure she doesn't wake up. Even if she stirs, this could go badly. For both her and the baby." Bryon looked at Aria's sleeping form, She'll be Ok. She has to. He shoved some of his blue-black bangs away from his eyes. What could possibly go wrong? Answer: Everything. I've gotta stop answering these kinds of questions. His thoughts raced a mile a minute, scenarios of everything that could go wrong ran through his head, Aria dying, the baby dying, both of them dying, the E.G.H.s coming in randomly. Crap, lots could go wrong. He drew in a shaky breath, Let's hope nothing does.

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