Part 5

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They had been at the Reyes's camp for about four months now, and the routine had settled in with the two new people. Aria was due anytime now and Bryon was getting antsy just thinking about it.

"Dude, just calm down. When it happens, well, Jess is the best person you could ask to be there helping. Remember, she was going to be a midwife in the Refugee camp?" Keith said. Bryon sighed. Aria was his whole world, if she died in childbirth, who knows what would happen to the baby? To him? Keith just rolled his eyes and slapped Bryon on the back. He walked over to where Aria, Jessica, and Elise were having a 'no boys tea party' . It was Elise's idea. Keith was swatted away by his now 15-year-old daughter.

"No Boys! Just me, Mom, and Auntie Aria." They had, had, a big (ish) celebration for Elise, complete with a dinner of Moose (her favorite) and a vanilla cake that was made with real vanilla. Aria and Jessica had grown close again, Keith and Bryon had done the same. The sun was setting and the 6 of them filed into the house for a fire and some much-needed rest. For Aria anyway.

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That night Jessica took out her fiddle, and the four friends gave a performance of "Harper's Creek" for Eric and Elise. They all had to do a group project when they were in the 7th grade, they still remember their parts, and the words to the song. It's one of the things they enjoyed about the Refugee camp. Jessica scent the kids to bed and the adults talked and laughed about their shared childhood. Aria and Bryon settled into bed, the laughter of Keith and Jessica just down the hall. The laughter died out a little while later. Aria dropped right off to sleep, Bryon couldn't sleep. His mind was restless. Questions about the uncertain future floated around in his head. Will everything go OK when the baby comes? Can we still be a family together? Will we get captured? Just watch, we'll get captured. Aria yawned and snuggled rolled over to Bryon and murmured,

"Bry, it's time to sleep. You won't be able to work tomorrow if you're tired." Aria scooted in closer to Bryon, he hugged her and gasped.

"Aria, you're burning up!" Aria looked up at Bryon, who was now sitting up and turning on the light,

"Bryon, I'm fine, I promise."

"No. You're not fine."

"I am. Though, I just feel a little woozy." Bryon stopped,


"Yes, that's what I said. And there's a sharp pain in my stomach, it hurts a lot."

"Crap." Bryon muttered. "I'm going to get Jessica."

"No, don't do that Bry, I'm fine." Bryon ran down to Keith and Jessica's room, he knocked and Jessica answered, rubbing her eyes.

"Bryon, you went to sleep a while ago, what's wrong?" Bryon hurriedly explained the situation, Jessica noticed he was gasping for breath. Bryon took Jessica back to the room he and Aria shared.

"Aria? I'm here." Jessica began making Aria more comfortable, Keith had felt Jessica get out of bed, and assumed that she was going to the bathroom, but when she didn't come back he went into the hall. Keith saw the light coming from the Wynnes room and went to investigate. He almost got run over by Bryon getting shoved out by an extremely exasperated Jessica who was saying,

"I know you want to be here, but you're kinda in the way." Bryon protested and got a door to the face, and Jessica saying,

"OUT!" Keith put his hand on Bryon's shoulder,

"Just be patient Bry." Bryon's eyes widened as he heard Aria scream because of the pain.

"Aw, shit. Why now?"

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