Part 3

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Bryon woke with a start, his dream was about the two of them, well three of them, being captured. His eyes slowly adjusted to the bright sun shining through the trees. Aria was still on his lap, his jacket pulled tight around her to ward off the morning chill. Bryon gently woke her and erased all traces that they were there the night before. Aria ran her hand through her sleek blonde-brown hair, and froze.

"Bryon, there is something in the brush." Bryon, while gathering their few meager belongings,

"I'm sure it's nothing Aria." Bryon heard the rustle that startled Aria so much, and then a gunshot. Aria screams and Bryon dives for her, of course, screaming

"ARIA!" She's on the ground shaking, and Bryon is partially on-top of her. The rustle grows louder, and more frequent. Aria gasps and grabs on to Bryon. Good gosh, she's adorable when she's like this! I'm not saying I don't love her the rest of the time, she's just even more adorable now. Bryon thinks as he feels a bit of his t-shirt get soaked with Aria's tears. Aria is shaking and breathing really hard now. A dark shadow appears behind some of the brush, Bryon can't make out who it is.

"Who are you?" He asks, Bryon looks down at Aria.

"Aria, I think it's Keith." Keith steps over the brush, he's dressed in leaves and sticks. He has mud on his face, and (had) a hunting gun slung over his shoulder, which is now pointed at Bryon and Aria,

"Hey, how the hell do you know my name?! Are you an E.G.H.?" Keith accuses. Bryon, getting to his feet, and pulling Aria up, says

"OH HELL NO! Keith, it's us, Bryon and Aria Wynne." Keith lowers his gun, and he and Bryon do that bro-hug thing the way that all guys do, awkwardly. Aria is on her feet, and is super pale.

"Whoa! You too Bry?" Keith asks as his eyes spot Aria's tank-top stretched over her stomach. Bryon nods,

"Yeah. hey, where have you been all these years?!" Keith looks at Aria and whispers to Bryon,

"Dude, how far along is she?" Bryon glances at Aria, who is finishing packing, if you could call it that.

"Dunno, maybe four months?" Keith's eyes widen,

"And how long have you been on the run?" Bryon looks away, Keith rolls his eyes, he knows Bryon is avoiding the answer,

"Bryon," he says warningly.

"Fine, about four months as well." Keith gives them both the once-over, Aria has joined them now.

"OK, you two, or should I say three, are coming to live with us. And absolutely NO objections." Aria looked at Bryon, Bryon looked at Aria, Keith looked at them looking at each other. Aria shrugs, and Bryon nods. Keith grabs his things and starts going back through the brush.

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