I'm holding on

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They leave their first Defense lesson with Umbridge, and Hermione is fuming.

Voldemort is back, they're on the cusp of a war all too many of them will be forced into, and this bitch and the rest of the Ministry think they don't need to practice actually defending themselves?

When an entire extremist group is out to murder her and other muggleborns without provocation?

It's—Draco had warned her, and the toad's speech at the welcome feast had made it clear that she was here to interfere with business as usual, but even in the brevity of the lesson she'd become the most angry she'd ever been in a class; Umbridge made Trelawney look like professor of the year.

And Harry...she'd relayed Draco's warning not to provoke Umbridge, but her best friend was ever the impulsive Gryffindor and couldn't help himself, managing to get detention on the first day.

(and she really isn't upset with him about it because although she knows it was a bad idea, she's glad someone said something.)

It's almost nice, though, the way these moments bring their class together; all the Gryffindor fifth years cluster, angrily ranting to each other the entire way to Charms in such a unique moment of unity—the kind that only comes from collective hatred.

(It'll only grow stronger with each of her lessons, but they have no idea how bone-deep just yet.)

Remus smiles in greeting when they all arrive in Charms, brow furrowing at the half-hearted response he receives from the lot of them. "Has something happened? You all seem...not at all yourselves." He turns his attention to his godson, expression worried.

Harry merely scowls in response, and Hermione winces but clears her throat to explain. "We've just come from our first lesson with Umbridge."

"Umbitch, more like," Ron mutters rather loudly, earning a laugh from most of the room. "Re—Professor Lupin, that is—you wouldn't believe the shit she's—"

Remus gives him a look but the muscle twitch in his jaw gives him away. "Believe me, Ron, there is very little Professor Umbridge could do that would surprise me. She's been the main voice behind some lovely legislation..." he trails off, rubbing his temples at the whole class's eyes rapt with attention. "Well, I don't to get into it."

All the Gryffindors begin to protest, but Hermione swivels around in her chair. "He means he doesn't want to get in trouble for talking shit about a colleague, but Umbridge has spent years pushing anti-werewolf bills, as well as more incredibly discriminatory policies against other beings, and non-pureblood wizards. She's proposed a muggleborn registry before, and in private records from a Wizengamot session in the seventies she suggested a eugenics program to prevent squibs from having muggleborn descendants who might 'tarnish' the magical community."

Dean's jaw drops. "She's got the beliefs of the Nazis and she's allowed to be a teacher?"

(The irony is almost fucking laughable, because of course only those with muggle heritage know about the Nazis—know how much danger they're in with this woman in power, in their school. Where they're supposed to be safe.)

"Moving on," Remus insists, giving with such a dad expression that they all sigh but straighten up, pulling out their textbooks. "Obviously, you all have had four years of Charms previously, and you've had me as a teacher before. However, this year's charms curriculum has been re-vamped somewhat; we'll be putting a greater focus on the application of different spells, and covering a broader range of charms. While I will still be encouraging you to study theory, you will only be tested on foundational concepts."

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