break till I shatter

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Hermione'd always thought the Hogwarts atmosphere couldn't get any worse than it had been under Umbridge's regime, or even the end of last term, when everything went to hell.

But now, after three months of unmitigated terror and fear, everyone at home hearing whispers and reading missing reports and obituaries—

(Everyone's fear is palpable.)

Several families are especially grim; their names those that have recently been in the paper.

(Those who've lost loved ones.)

Sirius hugs them both close, Sofia pouting at his side; she'd thrown a legendary tantrum upon being told her siblings were leaving again, even though her parents had promised she would see them regularly when she and Sirius floo to visit Remus in his quarters.

Sixth year prefects don't have to attend the meeting on the train, so Hermione and Harry track down a compartment, Blaise, Ginny, and Ron joining them shortly after.

Ginny's sitting on Blaise's lap, which has Ron looking on the verge of retching, but it's clear the two are just relieved to be together and safe.

(If such a thing is even possible right now.)

"Is Luna coming?" Ron asks Harry, before casting a spell to make the chessboard float between them.

"No, she and Padma and Ernie are hanging out to discuss hippogriff habitats, or something? I dunno, I just nod sometimes because I never know what she's talking about."

A few minutes later the door to the compartment swings open, Pansy dramatically pausing after stepping inside before closing it to allow Draco to sneak in behind her, disillusioned.

As soon as they're both inside Hermione begins casting the familiar security enchantments, blocking out their window.

Draco becomes visible—and even though she saw him a week ago, she could swear he's lost even more weight.

(Lost even more sleep.)

Harry moves to hug him tightly. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Thanks, Potter," Draco smiles half-heartedly. He moves to Hermione's side, nearly collapsing into the seat beside her with relief, the tension leaving his body as he leans his head on her shoulder.

His soul mate moves her fingers through his hair gently, brow furrowed with concern.

Even more concerning is Pansy's behavior; she's quiet, sitting in the corner and receding into herself—at one point even telling Ron she's too tired for a chess match.

(She is—not okay, in a horribly, horribly wrong way Hermione can just sense.)

Blaise rubs circles on Ginny's hand with his thumb as he begins speaking. "My mother says Slughorn is a decent professor, but plays favorites excessively. He's not a particularly accomplished wizard himself, but he has connections everywhere in the wizarding world—entertainment, politics, innovators, investors, you name it."

A nod from Harry. "Yeah, when Hermione and I were at his place a few weeks ago he managed to mention at least five or six famous alums he's still in contact with in less than as many minutes."

Draco cocks his head, gears in his mind whirring. "You think Dumbledore wants to use Slughorn to recruit?"

"I'd believe it," Ron mutters. "The way Mum and Dad tell it he'd do anything and everything to get people to fight for their side the last time around."

"So is he trying to get powerful people to fight with the Order," Hermione muses. "Or to leave the Death Eaters?"

"Both, probably," Draco says darkly. "He'll do everything in his ability to consolidate as much power as possible."

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