even when your hope is gone

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"Nice one, Colin!" Harry praises the younger Gryffindor as he passes him on his lap around the RoR. Across the room, Hermione meets his eyes with a hopeful smile at the success and dedication of all of ASA.

The mood of the group is much better than it has been—largely because at this point they're all desensitized to Umbridge's decrees and the fact that Bellatrix Lestrange is on the loose, but nonetheless, the four houses have gelled to the point of feeling united, and it's—

(It makes Hermione feel like they might just stand a chance.)

"Mione," Ron calls, an innocent smile on his face that means trouble. "Want to come with me to hit the kitchens after this?"

She rolls her eyes. "Why don't you get Ginny to? Or the twins?"

"Twins claim to be tired, and Gin has plans with Blaise."

Hermione raises an eyebrow, turning to Ginny with an impressed expression. "She has plans with her boyfriend at ten o'clock at night and you're fine with that? Despite your overprotective history?"

He blows out a deep breath, before monotonously saying, "Ginny is her own person and is allowed to do as she pleases in her life whether I like it or not, and as her brother it is my duty to respect that."

Hermione bursts out laughing. "Good lord, Gin, did you confound him?"

"Better," the other girl smirks sweetly. "I know where he keeps his dirty magazines and I told him if he doesn't keep his mouth shut I might let slip to Mum."

"Of course it was blackmail," Hermione laughs. "Sorry, Ron, but I really have to get an arithmancy essay done. Maybe Neville would go."

She looks to Harry, who nods in agreement that it's time to switch to reviewing shield charms they'd learned earlier in the year, but now against stronger spells.

"Alright all, go ahead and stop what you're doing!" she calls, voice resonating throughout the space. "We're going to be moving on, and—"

A crack echoes through the room, making many of them jump.

Dobby stands before her, looking back and forth between both her and Harry with a terrified expression on his face.

"Dobby?" she asks incredulously, getting down on one knee to be at his level. "What's wrong?"

"Mistress—and Harry Potter, sir. They is coming!"

Harry moves quickly to her side. "What do you mean they're coming, Dobby? Who?"

"The woman! The one who is in pink," he shrieks. "She and the students with her—they know about this place, and they come to find all of Harry Potter's friends they know are breaking the rules!"

(A warning—Draco's sent them a warning so they have time to get everyone out.)

"Fuck," Harry mutters, head in his hands.

"Hey, it's okay, we can handle this," Hermione says, as though she's not petrified herself.

(It's almost like her need to protect him and their members overrides her own anxiety—just barrels through it, mobilizes her enough to figure out what to do.)

She gets to her feet, addressing the now hysterical room at large. "Okay, everyone, the Fidelius will protect all of your identities, so you just need to focus on getting back to your dormitories. Harry and I will stay here to make sure everyone gets out safely, we'll contact you about how we'll handle this going forward later; disillusion yourselves and run, now!"

They immediately do, though creating so much noise in the process she can only be thankful Umbridge isn't yet there.

When everyone is gone, she and Harry steady themselves and move to the door, sans Invisibility Cloak they'd lent to some Hufflepuff first years still struggling with disillusionment—

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