long story short I survived

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"Is that—"

"Merlin, I didn't believe it was true!"

The whispers follow them as they make their way through the Ministry, Draco's non-dominant arm curled protectively around her back.

She can't help the laugh that escapes her; all these people are surprised already—if only they knew the reason for their presence at the ministry in the first place.

They garner more than one glare on their trek: those who don't believe that Draco's truly been on their side all along, or the non-Death Eater blood supremacists still in lauded positions in society. Frankly, Hermione doesn't really care why; this of all days the opinions of strangers don't matter in the slightest.

They'd gone out of their way to schedule the appointment confidentially, wanting to already be home and behind the wards when the news eventually broke.

(as they both knew it would.)

Ginny and Blaise had pitched a fit about not being allowed to come, and Hermione knows all the rest will as soon as they find out, but. No amount of anger from anyone else could change their minds.

They don't want to wait any longer, and they don't want it to be a spectacle, or a memory anyone else was present for.

It's just the two of them—always has been.

Percy smiles from where he stands next to Kingsley's desk as they enter having offered to be their witness and tell no one save his wife that he'd been present.

"I really appreciate this, Kingsley," Hermione thanks him profusely. "I know you're Minister of Magic now and have plenty of other things to do, and especially with all the things that have collapsed or gone wrong and need to be dealt with in the wake of the war's end..."

Kingsley shakes his head. "That's exactly why I'm so glad you asked me too. If we let rebuilding efforts stop us from doing what brings us joy, then he's won. If we don't take the time to do the things that make life carry meaning, then what was the point of it all?"

Draco's eyes widen as the words hit him. "Well put, Minister. Thank you."

"Regardless of me not knowing you were the spy, we were in a secret society we almost died for together for years, Draco. I think you can call me by my first name."

He checks that they're both ready and then goes forward with the introduction.

It's brief, and then they move on to vows.

"You have to let me go first," Hermione blurts, cheeks flushed. "He's much better at mushiness than I am and if I go after him mine will pale in comparison."

Draco chuckles, squeezing her hand in his. "Baby, you know I'll love anything you say. You're voluntarily binding yourself to me forever."

"I still want to go first so I'm not too anxious to focus on what you're saying."

He gestures for her to do so, and she reaches into her pocket for the paper that's worn from the many times she's unfolded and refolded it.

"When you came into my life," she begins, and she can already feel how much she'll sob before she's finished, "I was ten years old, and felt so alone. It was the worst time of my life. And then suddenly, this stranger was around to talk to, and it...it changed everything.

"You made everything so much more bearable, made me feel like I mattered, and just...you were the first person to show me what it was like to be loved. And you have been ever since. I promise to spend the rest of my life trying to do the same."

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