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"So what was so important that you had to tell me Hari?" I got an urgent text from Hari telling me she has to tell me something important. So here I am at her place. Shit my stomach hurts. Must've been that ice cream form earlier.

"You want some Rum cake?"

"Nah ion really eat cake I'm cool." I rubbed my knees. "I'm finna use the bathroom right quick." I stood up rushing to the toilet. I forgot to get my phone saw I was sitting here reading the uses and ingredients on the febreeze bottle in the bathroom. My ears perked up when I heard an iPhone ringtone constantly going off.

"Hari, is that my phone ringing?"

"No, it was mine." After doing my business I washed my hands and returned to the living room. I was looking for my phone.

"Aw I just put it on charge for you."

"Good looking." I looked at my phone above the fireplace charging. "So what you need to talk about sis?"

For some reason she took a long deep breath with her eyes closed before smiling.

"Okay. I'm just going to start by saying do not laugh at me." She bit her lip looking up at the ceiling. "Whew, I'm so nervous. Okay so you know I've been going to this therapist and we are currently working on expressing my feelings." I nodded letting her know I'm listening.

"Erm, I don't really know how to put this." She was acting fidgety with her hands. I figured it was something eating her up. Hari isn't usually this shy.

"C'mon you know you can tell me anything." I encouraged her to talk. Before I knew it she untied her night gown revealing herself to me in red lingerie. I couldn't lie and say my eyes didn't rake over her, but they did. Shit. What did I just walk into?

"I'm in love with you Cato." She blurted out.

Rubbing my face I sighed deeply because I didn't expect her to say that. I look at Hari as a sister, the sister I never had.

"Hari man look-"

She jumped on me pressing her lips against mine not giving me time to process what was happening. When it did click that this was Hari on my lap I pushed her off of me.

"Hari what the fuck bro?" I stood to my feet and wiped my mouth. She touched her lips with her fingers. They were trembling. Not looking up at me instead just staring at her fingers she spoke.

"Cato please tell me you feel the same way about me."

"Why the fuck would you just kiss me? I got a girlfriend Hari. Think." I shouted at her. I can't believe she just confessed her love for me. I ain't never been in some shit like this before.

"I know. But that doesn't change the way I feel about you." Shaking my head I stood up to my feet with her following suit. I couldn't hear this shit any more. She tweaking off a mid or something. She rushed back up to me and grabbed my hands in hers which I tried detaching from. "Cato I've been having these deep feelings for you since Jay died." Since Jay died? Damn. Snatching away from her I cursed.

"Hari that was fucking five years ago. Why didn't you step to me then? Why now when I got a girl?" Even though me and Jayda have been on what she calls a break for almost three weeks, she's still my girl. That girl sure knows how to hold a grudge.

"Because I was scared. You're always calling me your sister and I-I didn't know how you felt. Plus I know Herb wouldn't accept it."

"And you're right. I don't see you in that kind of way. Herb is my brother and you're my sister-"

"Can you stop fucking calling me your sister? I just expressed my feelings to you and you're still gonna refer to me as your sister? Are you that cold?" She yelled pointing at her chest. "Look at me I am standing here half naked in front of you confessing my undying love for you to have some compassion."

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