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I will be switching from first to third person in this chapter try not to get confused.

"Remember me?"

"I don't. Mind refreshing my memory?" Cato spoke while never taking his eyes off of a wide eyed Jayda who held her baby close to her chest with her back practically facing Cato to shield her daughter from any danger. She was scared out of her wits. Her skin was practically melting off her bones from the unstoppable shaking and praying. She could smell the the alcohol dripping from this man's mouth. She knew exactly what it was too—Vodka.

"I knew one of the effects of being a crack baby was asthma, but I ain't think you was slow either." a sinister laugh escaped the gunman's dry throat due to constant everyday smoking and drinking hence the raspy voice. "You ready to see your mother?" The whines coming from Justyce caught the attention of the gunman. He licked over his dry lips before chuckling. He moved to their side of the table before pointing the barrel of the gun to Jaydas head. Catos hand clenched tightly onto the gun ready to send him to the moon.

"Please don't." Jayda said barely above a whisper with salty tears escaping her tightly shut eyes and the hot tears slid down her rosy cheeks. She was praying out loud and begging for mercy.

"Toss your gun." The gunman demanded.

Cato's nose flared in anger. Stuck between a rock and a hard place and not wanting to jeopardize their lives in any way, Cato followed suit and removed the gun from his waist placing the heavy object on the table and the gunman took it and placed the gun in his own waist. The gunman smiled looking around briefly at the restaurant with people under the tables and the employees hiding behind the machines.

"So who is this my grandba-" Cato swiftly shot up from his seat in the booth knocking the shotgun out of his sperm donor's hands before knocking him onto his bad back. He recognized the gun from years of it being pointed at him with not too idle threats.

"Motherfucka!" Cato spat a mouthful of hateful words between the punches he delivered to his sperm donor's face creating the color black and blue within seconds. Meanwhile Jayda struggled to find her gun in her purse until she realized she left it in the car. She didn't think she'd need it in the ice cream shop. Cato continued to send powerful blows to his fathers face. Catching him in an open window, James head butted his son and kneed him in the groin causing Cato to groan and James to take that as his opportunity to grab the shotgun and shoot him straight through the chest causing him to fly backwards onto the table he previously was sitting at.

"Ahhhh!" Jayda screamed in shock covering her child's face as her eyes raked over the two gaping bullet holes in his chest. At this point Jayda was sure Cato was going to die, if not instantly.

While James turned around to spread more fear over the many screaming women and children in the ice cream parlor, a still breathing Cato groaned, but not audible enough for James to hear over his own shouting.

"Cato?" Jayda shakily whispered barely. He pointed to the silver steel gun on the floor that must've fell out of James coat. Jayda built up the courage to bend down and grab the gun only for her hand to get stepped on by a heavy size twelve boot and winced in pain.

"What you doing little bitch?" Jayda looked up with pleading eyes. James gave her a firm kick to the face causing her to let out a loud yelp and crawl back to her baby who she stored under the booth she sat on. Thinking quickly, she took advantage of the silver fork sitting on the floor and grabbed it in between her palm.

"Ima off you just for the fun of it you lil young bitch." Footsteps neared closer to Jayda as she prepared to do what may or may not save her life, or at least her baby's life. A loud growl escaped from Catos mouth when he built the strength to lift himself off the table and body slam James onto the floor knocking the wind out of James and the gun out of his hands and onto the floor near Jaydas feet.

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