How Do You Want It

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"Trick or treat." I spoke for my beautiful baby Justyce.

"Aw. And what might this beauty be today?" The frail old white lady with her hair pinned up excitedly clapped her hands together showing off her plain ole white veneers. I could practically feel the warmth radiate from the older woman. I could see the Halloween decorations peeking from around the corner of her home which expressed her spirit.

"She's a lady bug. Aren't you Justyce." I rubbed the top of my baby's head, prideful to show her off. The woman reached to drop the candy into her basket then looked at me.

"Here mom, you deserve a treat too." She handed me my large piece of candy when our hands grazed each other. The lady froze gasping lightly before pulling back abruptly.

"I-I'm sorry. Have a good evening." she told me while mindlessly looking down at the concrete porch. I looked at her strangely before thanking her for the candy and walking down the sidewalk. I looked back at the house we just left and the lady was still in the same spot with her hand stuck mid air. My heart skipped a beat when her eyes connected with mine. I quickly looked away and continued down the street decorated with brown and orange leaves that crunched when I walked or rolled the stroller.

Justyce shook her pumpkin basket full of candy waiting to be eaten by moi and we continued our way to the next house. It was four in the afternoon and kids were out of school so I say we were doing pretty good on the candy. I also didn't want to be out late especially with Justyce because I'd have to drive home and niggas start to get crazy where we live when it get late. I've bought myself some sense of comfort though when I made sure to carry my gun that I purchased from a friend for $900, which I have illegally until I get rights to conceal and carry.

It felt like a Halloween day from the movies, in the seventies of something. The weather was nice, the leaves were crunchy and falling and covered up eighty percent of the neighborhood. Children were skipping along the sidewalks and through the street with the best of the best costumes. It felt good. No gunshots.

I walked up pushing the stroller which held my almost five month old Justyce. I smiled at the amount of blush that I applied to her already rosy chubby cheeks for the full cartoon effect. I pushed the stroller up the pathway that led to the door of the pretty brown brick house. The grass was freshly cut and the shades were closed.

I once again did something that was so unfamiliar to me. I rang the doorbell. In this nice neighborhood knocking might alert the cops, the neighborhood seemed very secluded and guarded. I seen the blinds move and a couple seconds later the door opened revealing a man I didn't expect to open the door. Mhm.

Quickly scanning him, he wore grey sweatpants that slightly sagged showcasing his ethika briefs that hugged his waist and he had a white t-shirt that sat at the good of his shoulders around his neck, leaving his stomach on full display. His happy trail seemed pretty dangerous to go down so I forced myself to look at his face.

Big mistake.

He had a neatly trimmed goatee and some deep ass waves that were soft looking, but at the same time looked like 4c hair. It's hard to describe, but he looked edible as hell.

"My bad. Forgot it's Halloween for the young ones." He held his smoking blunt behind the door like he was handing it to someone and held a box of candy in front of us with the other hand. I don't know what it was about his eyes, but they automatically caught my attention. Maybe it was the slight squint he's making.

Justyce suddenly reached out her chubby hand and grabbed as much candy as she could out of the bowl of candy that the guy held, making him chuckle. I very softly tapped her hand twice making her turn her face my way and whimpered. She knew that meant no. Her bottom lip was poked out and all. Many people would think she didn't know better, but she understood exactly I meant to her. My intelligent baby.

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