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Victoria released a groan filled with soreness and exhaustion as she pushed herself to sit up in her queen sized bed with only one good arm. The Miller woman glanced over to her alarm clock and noticed that it read in bright green numbers that it was only seven-fifteen in the morning.

Victoria furrowed her brows in slight confusion as to what woke her up. She had called into work to say she wasn't going to be coming in, so it puzzled her as to why she was awoken so early when she usually slept late during her days off. However, Victoria didn't have to question herself for much longer when she suddenly heard a loud banging coming from somewhere in the house.

The pediatric nurse immediately became worried about the noise coming from her single home - especially after her eventful night with the Galindo family - so Victoria quickly opened up her bedside table for her protection weapon before she quietly cursed. Victoria finally came to realize that she left her gun in the middle of the desert.

"Shit," the Miller woman whispered before her hazel eyes hurriedly scanned her bedroom for a weapon while she continued to hear loud noises coming from somewhere in her house. Victoria sighed in relief when she spotted a metal baseball bat leaning beside her closet door. Thank God for protective bikers, Victoria thought as she quietly tip toed over to the weapon.

Victoria carefully tightened her one good hand around the metal bat before she, as silently as she could, opened up her bedroom door and tip toed into the hallway. Once Victoria was out of her bedroom, she realized that the banging sound was coming from the kitchen area. Why the hell is someone in my kitchen? Victoria wondered in confusion.

The Miller woman knew it was pointless to question herself, though, so she ignored her puzzlement as she slowly and silently continued to travel through her house with her metal baseball bat settled high onto her shoulder incase there was someone dangerous in her house.

Victoria paused once she reached the entryway of her kitchen as her brows, once again, furrowed at what she was seeing. Inside of her small and homey kitchen was a familiar back covered in the signature Mayans kutte standing in front of her stove. "A-Angel?" The Miller woman cautiously called out as she slowly settled the heavy bat against her thigh before she inquired once he swiftly turned around to face her, "w-what are you doing here?"

The Reyes man flinched when he heard Victoria's voice before he swore, "shit," as he had planned on surprising the busy nurse with breakfast after her medical conference. "You aren't supposed to here ye-" Angel began as he turned around to face the brunette woman before he suddenly froze when he saw Victoria's injures.

Angel instantly forgot about the pancakes he was making as he carelessly dropped the plastic spatula down onto the ground before he hurriedly crossed the room and cradled Victoria's face gently in his large hands. "What the hell happened, mi princesa?" The Reyes man hurriedly interrogated as he tried to control the anger in his voice, "who did this to you? What happened in Stanford? Why didn't you call me or El Padrino?"

Angel felt like he was going out of his mind in worry as his brown irises glanced at the scratches and bruises that littered the brunette woman's face and arms before his gaze settled harshly onto the makeshift sling. The Mayan felt like his brain was working in overdrive as his mind went through all of the horrible possibilities of what could have happened to his girl and it was driving him mad with worry and a little bit a guilt that he hadn't been there for Victoria.

The Miller woman shot Angel the tiniest of smiles before she lied as she tried to continue to hide what really happened last night, "it was just an accident." Victoria knew it was pointless to continue her lie when she was talking with the very protective Angel but she still tried to anyway. She just didn't want to worry Angel too much or he would probably end up locking her up with no way of helping Emily bring back her son to them and she couldn't let that happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2021 ⏰

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