Twenty Questions

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The very exhausted Miller nurse threw her body against the cold and steel receptionist desk of the pediatric ICU department with a loud and tired sigh at about ten thirty-seven p.m. as she was finally finished with work for the day. Victoria had spent the last sixteen hours enclosed inside of the pale walls of Santo Padre Medical Center, so the brunette woman was definitely ready to head home and have her a nice glass of red wine before sleeping for the rest of the week.

"You are still here?" The loud voice of the receptionist, Erica Johnston, practically yelled into the brunette nurse's ear as she looked up from her computer screen and her data entries, where she finally noticed the younger woman's tired form. Erica shook her head with amusement shining throughout her brown eyes when she only heard a small groan before she exclaimed with a playfully stern voice, "you better get home before you end up falling asleep on the floor and I am not helping you this time, Victoria."

The Miller nurse couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, despite how tired she was, as the older woman always says that when Victoria has a long shift. There was one instance where Victoria had accidentally fell over after almost a twenty hour shift during her first year and Erica still won't let her live it down. "I know, I know," the Miller nurse mumbled with an eye roll before she explained as she leaned her head into the palm of her hand with a small frown, "I was just finishing up with my last patient. Jordan was having some problems with swallowing his medicine, so I stayed until he got it down." Victoria had felt bad for the small eight year old boy that was dealing with his constantly fighting parents and pneumonia, so she didn't care about the fact that her shift ended thirty minutes ago as she wanted to make sure her patient was comfortable for the night.

Erica silently nodded her head in understanding to why she was still at work and gave the young and kind woman a small smile before she promised as she knew how worried and emotionally attached Victoria could get with her patients over the last couple of years, "I'll make sure to let the next round of nurses know to keep an extra eye on him during the night."

"Thank you," the Miller nurse praised appreciatively to know the small boy would be watched like she would be doing. Victoria knew if Jordan was still having problems that she would have just slept in an on-call room for the night, so she could be close enough to help him if he was in pain. It was just how she has always been with her patients. People always tell Victoria that she has a big heart as she hates leaving the hospital when the children that she's taking care of are in pain. Victoria likes to ease that pain as much as she can when they are in hospital as she could only imagine how afraid they are at such a young age.

"Is Jordan the only one that they need to watch?" Erica inquired after she wrote a small note to remind Kayla, the next nurse who was working in the pediatric ICU department, to make sure that the young boy wasn't in any pain while he slept through the night. This is the usual routine when a nurse or doctor leaves at the end of their shift. They always make sure that there are notes for the next nurses and doctors so the transition runs more smoothly.

Victoria bit down on her bottom lip as she thought for a moment about all the children that she had taken care of today before she shook her head. "Everyone else should be fine until they wake up," the Miller nurse answered the receptionist's question before she quickly added as she remembered something important, "but whoever comes in next needs to make sure to watch for any heart arrhythmia's for baby Nessa. Dr. Loomis repaired it this morning with surgery, so we need to keep a close eye on her."

Erica nodded her head as she quickly wrote down the information on another sticky note before she stuck it to the side of her computer. "Got it," the receptionist mumbled, mostly to herself, "Jordan might have trouble through the night and baby Nessa needs hourly check-ups." Once the older woman made sure that she had the right information, she turned her brown gaze onto the exhausted Victoria before she commanded, "now, you are going to get your ass home and sleep, missy."

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