Hello, Mr. Cartel Man

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It was around the late side of twelve o'clock at night when Victoria finally found herself in a comfortable matching tan crop top, leggings, and a small zip-up jacket as she sat on her leather couch with a freshly opened bottle of red wine sitting in her lap. The Miller woman had spent at least three hours at the butcher shop with Pop after she helped him close down for the night. It was nice to spend some quiet time with the old man over a good meal but Victoria was so exhausted. She was just ready to go to sleep for a few hours before she has to be up at six in the morning for her next nursing shift at the hospital.

The worry that Victoria felt for the Reyes brothers, however, didn't exactly help her state of sleepiness. She hadn't heard anything from Ezekiel, Angel, or even Coco so the concern for her friends weren't helping the exhaustion at the moment. Victoria knew that sometimes runs went like this but this is Ezekiel's first one, so she was more on edge. However, Victoria knew she couldn't do anything about it until Angel called, so she decided, as she turned off her TV and headed towards the kitchen with the wine bottle, that she would attempt to sleep to turn off all her thoughts.

But thankfully for the Miller woman, just as she was putting the half drunken bottle of wine into her refrigerator, Victoria heard her cell phone begin to ring on her kitchen counter. Victoria didn't even think twice before she brought the device to her ear as she knew exactly who would be calling her this late on a work night.

No one immediately spoke through the phone like Victoria had hoped. Instead, there was this mixture of loud sounds like something heavy was being dragged around before the rough and smooth voice of Angel Reyes finally muttered through the Miller woman's cell phone, "hey, you're needed at the clubhouse."

Once Victoria realized that nothing was currently wrong as Angel would have mentioned it as soon as she answered, the Miller woman couldn't help but roll her hazel eyes at Angel's words. "Wow, you really are desperate, aren't you?" Victoria questioned with a wide smirk shining across her lips as she rested her hip against the kitchen island. The Miller woman knew that she should of known that Angel would be calling to remind her of their agreement at the Mayans' clubhouse for their 'alone' time.

Angel released a heavy chuckle at the brunette woman on the phone while he directed Gilly and Coco towards the pool table with the Miller nurse's client of the night before he focused back onto Victoria as he told her in a low and sensual voice, "usually, I would be for you, princesa." The older Reyes then grew serious as he explained why she was needed at the clubhouse, "Creeper needs your expertise right now."

Victoria's teasing attitude and voice was instantly wiped away as she soon as she heard the words leave her best friend's mouth before she swiftly went into, what Angel likes to call, 'nurse mode,' as her body straightened like a soldier and her brain solely focused on all the possibilities that could have happened on the run.

"I'll be there in a few minutes," the Miller nurse quickly promised Angel before she ended the call without waiting for a response and placed her cell phone into her jacket pocket. Victoria then jogged towards the closet next to the front door and grabbed the large leather bag that held everything that she would need for her late night visit with the Mayans.

Once the Miller nurse had her kit ready for whatever she needed to heal on the tattooed biker, Victoria slipped on the closest pair of shoes - which happened to be a white pair of Vans, before she swiftly exited out of her brick house and headed straight towards her red Hyundai Accent like a man woman on a mission. Victoria always felt this rush when she would get these type of calls as she always gets to do something that she doesn't on a daily basis when taking care of children.

However, there was also this small tint of fear every time that she would get a call from Angel or Bishop. The club has always been like family to her since she started helping them two years ago, so Victoria cares a lot about each member. There was always this part of her that felt like she wouldn't be able to help once she reached the clubhouse. However, Victoria knew that was just worry speaking since the club would bring over the injured member directly to her house if it was life or death.

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