Old Friends

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It was about a week after Victoria's run-in with the Galindo cartel at the Mayans' clubhouse that the Miller woman felt like her life was slowly going back to normal with only worrying about the children that she works with at the hospital and the bikers that she works with at night - even though her nightly clients weren't as frequent as they usually are. However, Victoria figured that had something to do with Angel, who has barely left her side all week, since he's been trying to keep her away from the clubhouse to keep her safe - which Victoria would forever be grateful for as she didn't want to be involved with anymore of the club's businesses.

Currently, Victoria was strolling around the town square of Santo Padre on her thirty-minute lunch break from her nursing shift. The Miller woman had decided to use this time to run a few errands and pick up some things since Victoria knew that she would be too tired to do it once she got off work tonight and helped Pop close up the butcher shop. So after about fifteen minutes at the liquor store, Victoria ended up grabbing a few cases of Modelo beer and two new bottles of tequila since she was running low - thanks to the Reyes brothers stopping by her house a lot this week. The Miller woman also stopped by the grocery store next door and picked up a few items for her kitchen since, once again, the Reyes brothers along with Coco had been eating a lot of her food.

Once Victoria made sure that she had everything that she would need for the next couple of days, the Miller woman placed her things into the trunk of her red Hyundai Accent - that Ezekiel had, thankfully, brought to the hospital since she had rode on the back of Angel's motorcycle this morning when they went to Angel's 'makeup breakfast' at Nookie's Diner before the older Reyes had dropped her off at work.

The Miller woman then glanced down at her simple silver watch on her left wrist after she had everything packed up before she realized that she had another fifteen or so minutes to spare. Victoria knew that she needed a few minutes to stop by her house to drop off the alcohol and the food but Victoria figured that she could look through a couple of the outdoor shops for a few more minutes before she had to get back on the road.

So with her new plan in mind, Victoria locked up her car before she slowly began to walk down the strip in Santo Padre's town square as she looked at the different stalls. The Miller woman walked past a couple of small owners before she came to a stop in front of a medium sized stall that were selling dozens of dream catchers which Victoria absolutely adored - hense the water colored dream catcher tattoo running down her arm from her elbow to her wrist that she got on her nineteenth birthday.

"Hola," the older woman greeted the nurse with a wrinkled smile once Victoria started to admire all the different designs, colors, and beads running down the dream catchers. "¿Cómo estás hoy?" ["How are you today?"] The stall owner politely asked in her native tongue before she uttered in English, "please let me know if you would like a closer look at any of them."

Victoria glanced over to the woman with a small smile once she took her eyes off of the beautiful creations before she greeted her back and answered her simple question as best as she could in Spanish, "hola. Estoy bien. El clima es hermoso hoy." ["I'm fine. The weather is beautiful today."] The Miller woman then focused back onto the dream catchers with interest once she gave the older woman a small nod as she planned on taking a closer look at a few of the dream catchers along with taking them home with her.

While Victoria was busy looking at a section of small dream catchers with long and beautiful feathers, a woman dressed in white pants, blouse, and a leather jacket slowly pushed a dark blue stroller up to the familiar brunette woman before she uttered loudly but in a soft voice filled with joyous childhood memories, "Victoria."

The aforementioned Miller woman quickly glanced behind her once she heard her name, where she instantly noticed a familiar face that she hadn't seen in eight long years. "Emily," she greeted her old friend in a small murmur. Victoria knew she shouldn't be that surprised that the Thomas now Galindo woman had sought her out since her husband had mentioned that he would say something to her. However, Victoria was still in disbelief as it had been so long since she had even been face to face with someone that she used to call her best female friend.

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