Chapter Eight

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Bellamy's POV

The Journey back was a lot more civilised than the one coming here, I sat in the passenger seat of a black Bentley while Diego drove us to Frida's, he played the radio loudly I think to avoid any conversation, I was glad, right now I don't feel like talking.

In the space of twenty-four hours, I have witnessed a murder been kidnapped and now will have to live with some sort of gang house. Does the future hold anything important for me now?

I have no clue whether this is the rest of my life, but I hope it I get out soon, and I don't even want to think about being in little space in that household.

Diego parked outside Frida's which had now been opened by herself, which I also felt guilty for. I step out of the car ready to head in and make up some sort of story but I notice Diego following me.

"Hmm what do you think you are doing?"

"Following Love", his flirtatious tone would soon start to irritate me if he didn't stop.

"No I'm doing this on my own"

"Haha of course love tell that to Atticus", he pushed open the door sounding the bell and walked in keeping it open for myself to walk in.

Frida was stood by the counter adjusting her glasses writing in our check book.

"Hi" I whisper out, feeling shy all of a sudden at the only woman who cares for me.

"Oh Deary, I was so worried are you okay? When I saw the shop wasn't open I thought you must have fallen ill I was going to bring some soup at lunch time." Her fingers were shaking slightly but started to calm when I held her hand in mine.

"Sorry I scared you I'm fine, I need to speak with you. I... hate to tell you this, but I can't work here anymore" My eyes became blurry looking at the poorly dressed old lady as the realisation hit me that I won't be seeing her much from now on.

"Why Chickie?"

"I.. got a new job".

He eyes widened and a smile grew across her face, "Is it a good job?"

"I think so"

"Bellamy I am so proud of you; I knew this would happen some day and I am incredibly happy that you are moving forward. Deary you deserve it all. But you will still come and visit me".

The last statement held a motherly tone which insited a chuckle from me, "Who is the young man?" Frida finally notices Diego stood behind me. Her eyes peer him up and down slightly apprehensively.

"One of my new colleagues" I muster out a lie, which Frida just hums back at me, as if she doesn't believe me. A smirk lands on Diego's face almost as if he is offended by my comment.

"I have to be going, but thank you so much for everything Frida and of course I will visit you" I smile giving her a tight hug.

"Obviously Deary I wouldn't let you slip out of my fingers that easily". She patted me on the back and gestured for me to get going not wanting to prolong the goodbye. Leaving my beloved flower shop was harder than I would have thought. Nearly every day for the past three years I have worked here , seeing my dear friend, spending time in our secluded garden this was my little piece of heaven. When I first arrived to New York I spent the whole day looking for places to work and everywhere turned me away besides Frida. She welcomed me in offered me a cup of tea and after chatting she gave me the job as a trainee florist. She was the fairy godmother I needed, my saviour. Without her I wouldn't have been able to buy my first flat, I even slept on her couch for a while till I could afford it.

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