Chapter Twentyone

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Bellamy's POV

The man I now know as Othello walked out of sight and just in perfect time as my driver, more like my bodyguard was heading my way.

"Miss are you okay, you weren't where I left you", his voice was rushed as if he was panicking and seemed unhappy with me.

"I'm fine, just bought some place cards. I think that's everything we can go now".

As we headed back the driver once again didn't speak and just pulled up to the house and opened the door as if we didn't spend the whole day together. With help from Vierra we took the flowers into the house, ready for me to style them tomorrow.

"These are beautiful, why did you chose brown?" Vierra asked admiring the selection of flowers along the table.

"Diego only wears brown".

"No, he doesn't, he wears plenty of colours" she laughed me off as if I was completely making this up, everyone had some weird colour system.

"Yes he does, and you wear yellow, Dante dark blue, Atticus black, July green, Juliet white, Elora silver and I guess I am lilac" I ran off, Vierra rolling her eyes as if I were insane. I know I'm right it's like a cult in this house. " I guess Beatrice would be mint" I add in at the end hoping Vierra doesn't ask why.

"Yeah she would definitely be mint, that's all she wears" I look at Vierra in her yellow jumpsuit as if this girl isn't completely delusional.

"So, I have never seen her before. Has she moved in?" I ask trying to learn more about this mysterious woman.

"Only for the next few weeks, she just finished her training and has been going on missions and working with Elora. But she won't stay here long only certain people can do that so she will move into a block of apartments Atticus owns for his workers."

That's odd, why I am here then. I know I'm meant to be Vierra's friend, but my official role is private florist. It seems odd that I would stay here and not someone close to the gang.

"Her and Atticus seemed close..." I mutter slightly under my breath.

"She is family now; they do their oath before training and she seems to be the best newbie in a long time, which means Atticus will be impressed by her drive and attitude".

"Oh, that's nice...." I look away a sudden flood of tears briming in my eyes, but I hold off on letting them fall. "I should really go and make sure I have everything I will need for the party". I excuse myself hurrying towards my room.

In my rushed state I nearly walk past someone but stop when I hear a small weeping. My head darts up to see a little boy with ginger hair, sat on the stairs crying.

"Are you okay honey?" I comfort him sitting by his side.

"I... fell down... some stairs.." He sobs out lifting his trousers up slightly to show a scraped bloody knee.

"How about we get it cleaned up?" I ask leaning out for his hand and helping him towards the kitchen. I help him onto one of the kitchen chairs and look for the first aid kit.

Once I have acquired the things I need I start to sanitise his knee, letting him cling on to my arms as the pain stings slightly. I clean the blood and bandage it up making sure he was secured.

"Thank you" He smiled, his tears leaving his face.

"I'm Bellamy, what's your name? I ask as I put away the kit.


"Cute name, how did you fall down the stairs?"

"Well I was playing with Attie but then he had to run for a call so I wandered off and ummm fell" he mumbled the last bit.

"Attie?" I questioned praying that was his nickname for Atticus.

"Attie, my Daddy's boss" He smiled, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl.

"Thank you kid, thank you for telling me that" I laughed, to ready to tease him with that name.

As if he read my mind Atticus came into the kitchen a look of relief rushing through him as he saw Oakland. "Bud, where did you go?"

Oakland went quiet looking at me for help. "He hurt his knee, but it is all better now" I smile, trying to make him not think about his poorly leg.

"Kiddo, I left you for one minute" He picked him up, "Sorry I had to take a call, but your mummy is here now".

He squealed in excitement and Atticus took him straight to her. I could hear the distance sound of Juliet's voice which made sense now, they so looked so much alike.

"Thank you for helping him" Atticus said as he came back into the kitchen now Oakland and Juliet were gone.

"No problem Attie" I mocked trying to leave but he just stepped in front of me obstructing my exit.

"What did you call me?" His voice suddenly changed it was thicker, and deeper.

"Umm.... Attie" I stepped back my back making contact with the kitchen counter, he strode slowly towards me, enclosing us in tightly so his chest was pressed against me, his hands gripping the counter, so I was imprisoned within his arms. I could see his muscles tensing under his shirt. Myself helpless to his large frame.

"I suggest you don't call me that again" He grunted, every word sending a shiver down my spine, a layer of goosebumps covering my skin, I a victim to his speech. I felt a knot in my stomach and pooling in my core unlike before, that I couldn't explain.

"Do you understand me?" He asked, his piercing eyes locked with mine, I noticed his jaw tense in anticipation for my answer and I couldn't help but grow weak in the knees.

"Yes" I whisper out, keeping strict eye contact not wanting to adjust and further anger him. He leaned in, his cheek touching mine as he whispered closely to my ear.

"Good girl". He swiftly left but the tingles throughout my body remained.


Oh Attie!
The tension is thick between these two, what will happen next ? .....

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