3. Crisis

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The next day, Carmen woke up extremely early as she didn't felt so much like herself. She softly stood up from the bed, careful to not wake Rae up, who was fast asleep next to her. The blonde girl grabbed some clothes from her dresser and silently made her way out of the room. After she closed the door, she checked her phone to see what time it is, only to let out an internal groan as the clock read 6:30 in the morning. She made her way to the bathroom as her mind went straight to Corpse. She thought about texting him, but she didn't do it, as she thought that for once, he might be able to sleep, and she didn't want to disturb him. She checked herself in the mirror before getting ready to take a steamy hot shower. After what seemed like half an hour, she was done with her morning routine, getting out of the bathroom, only to be met by the smell of coffee. 'Who else is up this early?' she thought as she slowly made her way to the kitchen, only to be met by Rob.

" 'Morning. Why are you up so early? You and Kyle didn't make it home until two last night." Carmen spoke, almost whispering.

"Yeah... well... I didn't sleep at all..." Rob said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Why?" his sister asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.

"I had to get ready to leave for the next project. I leave in like... eight hours..." Rob explained after he checked his watch. "Coffee?"

"Yes, please. But still, you should get at least four hours of sleep." Carmen spoke, worried about her brother.

"It's okay... I'll take an Uber to the airport. I have to go to UK for this project."

"Oh... How long will you be gone...?" Carmen trailed off.

"Umm... one week I think. It might extend up to two..."

"Oh... okay..." she said. "By the way, if we're still alone, and before everyone wakes up. I have a question. Does it happen by any chance to have a crush on Rae?"

"W-what?! Carmy... w-what kind of question is this?" Rob asked frantically, his voice shaking.

"What? Can't I ask you something like this? I mean... you're 27... you can't be single forever..." Carmen spoke on a low voice.

"Carmen... ugh... I think there is something that both me and Rae have to tell you..." Rob mumbled, mostly under his breath.

"You... you two are dating... OH MY GOD!!! And you didn't tell me?!" Carmen spoke, this time her voice louder.

"Tell you what?" a sleepy feminine voice spoke, making Carmen turn around to see Rae sitting in the door frame.

"Umm... I guess the cat's out the bag..." Rob said with a dumb smile on his face.

"Wait, what? She knows? But we agreed that we'll tell her together. Robert..." Rae trailed off as she made her way to them.

"Rae, darling... we both know that Carmy over here is a smart cookie. Also, she knows how to get the truth out of me..." Rob explained, trying to not get his girlfriend angry.

"Rae, calm down. I realised something is going on since you tried to avoid the subject yesterday. You two don't know how to lie." Carmen spoke before she took a sip from her coffee, and feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. "Now, I'll let you two get all cozy together. By the way, I'm happy for you." she added as she made her way to the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Corpse: Good morning, Regina

Carmen: Good morning, handsome friend.  🖤

Corpse: 'handsome friend'? that's new. btw, why are you up so early?

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