2. Kisses back

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Carmen woke up the next day feeling a little bit better than yesterday. She opened the blinds and let the sun come into her room. She forgot how her bedroom used to look in natural light. After a little bit of internal debate, she decided that it would be better to start and clean up the mess that gathered in her personal space. Just as she was about to leave her room to get some breakfast, her phone started to ring and she picked it up, only to see Rae's contact on the display.

"Good morniiiiiiiiiiiiing!" Rae almost screams in the phone.

"Jeez... good morning to you too..." Carmen said on a half-asleep voice. "Why are you so cheery?"

"I'm just happy, that's all. How are you?"

"Umm... fine. I think..." Carmen said, her brain still settled on the conversation that she had with Corpse the other day.

"Hmm... you think you're okay, that's all?" Rae asked on a very suspicious voice.

"Rae... I know that you told Corpse about my stream. And I have a feeling that he obtained my phone number from you." Carmen spoke as she was struggling to find something to eat in the fridge.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. I should have asked you, but he kept insisting and pestering me." Rae explained. "And about the stream... when you announced that you'll sing 'Agoraphobic', I knew that I had to let him see it. To make him believe that there are people that appreciate his music."

"He has millions of supporters, followers and subscribers. Do you think he needs reassurance about people supporting his music?" Carmen asked rhetorically.

"No one has ever made a cover of his songs. You're literally the first person to do such thing. He told me that the way you performed touched his soul. Which is hard. He said that you managed to make it your own in a way that he never thought of. Regina, he told me that he is sort of SIMPING over YOU!" Rae spoke like a maniac, while Carmen stood in front of her fridge the door still open, not believing what she was hearing.

"Rae... as much as I want to, I can't believe you. I can't believe that Corpse would have said that. I just can't. It seems ridiculous."

"Regina... if you don't believe me, why don't you ask him?" Rae insisted on stating that she was telling the truth.

"RAE! T-that is off-limits. You know that Corpse has anxiety, and I have anxiety. Do you have the slightest idea what would happen if I just randomly ask him about such things?" Carmen almost yelled at the girl on the other end of the line.

"I know, Regina. But... I don't know... how about the others confirming you this thing? I streamed yesterday, and Corpse spoke about your cover. Jack kept insisting that he is simping, but he denied it, and he said that he really appreciates you." Rae explained, trying to convince Carmen.

"Ugh... okay. Fine. Let's say I believe you, partially." Carmen said, trying to shut down Rae.

"Okay. I'll add you to the girl's chat group. We'll talk later, okay?" Rae said.

"Okay. Talk to you later. Bye."

After Carmen hung up, she finally sat down to eat her breakfast, her mind still focused on what Rae told her. Did Corpse really said that, or was Rae on something? She was so deep in thought, that she didn't hear Rob coming in the kitchen.

"Carmy... earth to Carmy? Are you there?" Robert asked as he waved a hand in front of her, making the girl snap out of her thoughts.

"Yeah! Yeah... Good morning, Rob." she answered. "Sorry, just thinking about something.

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