6. Truth or Dare

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After Carmen finished cooking and helping Rae set up the apartment, she was in her room, packing a change of clothes and everything necessary for her to have while she'll be staying at Corpse's. She hummed to the various songs that were playing on the system, as she tidied up her room, so Rob won't have anything to say to her tomorrow. Her now coloured hair was up in a messy bun, wearing a black hoodie and a pair or dark blue jeans. After she finished cleaning, she checked herself in the mirror, and texted Rae to come in her room.

"What is it?" Rae asked as she opened the door.

"Do you think I should change my clothes?" Carmen asked.

"What was the last thing Corpse saw you wearing?" 

"Check Instagram. It's the photo of me holding a wine glass." Carmen said, Rae immediately pulling her phone out of the hoodie pocket and checked Carmen's account.

"Holy... Are you serious? Jesus, Carmen. You surely sent him in overdrive." Rae said jokingly.

"Rachell!" Carmen yelled embarrassed. "Really? Now, seriously. Should I change my clothes?" her voice more serious than before.

"Well... Corpse is not one to care about looks, but if you want to look at least presentable, then I can help you pick up something." Rae offered.

"I'm so grateful that I can count on you!" Carmen said as she jumped and hugged her best friend.

"I'm happy to hear that. Now, let's make you beautiful." Rae said.

After fumbling and trying different clothes, both girls agreed that what Carmen was wearing now is the best option out of all ten. Carmen stood and watched herself in the mirror that sits in the entry hall, looking from all angles, making sure that everything sits good on her body.

"You look perfect, Carmy." Rae said, a genuine smile on her face.

"Thank you. I wouldn't have thought of this outfit, like never." Carmen said. "Care to take a photo for me?"

"Sure, no problem. I'll let you edit them afterwards." Rae said taking Carmen's phone and opening the camera. "Now, get in that model mood, love."

After one too many photos, both girls sat down on the couch, Carmen editing one photo she liked, and Rae watching her, very curious about all the process that Carmen goes through when she posts photos of her without letting her face be seen.

"And done. Save and then post on Instagram." Carmen said as she opened the app on her phone.

" Carmen said as she opened the app on her phone

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Liked by robjones and 10,385 others

Tagged valkyrae

reginaqtz My superbae, Rae, helped me pick up this outfit

robjones glad to see you wear that sweater from me

    reginaqtz come home now

    kylejones yeah. she tried to kill me three times in two weeks

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