4. Feelings

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Corpse woke up to the sudden feeling of the left side of the bed being empty. He stood up scared as he looked around the bedroom, letting out a breathe of relief when he saw Carmen's clothes from last night sitting on the drawers. He slowly sat up from the bed and dragged his feet to the door, only to be met by a tempting smell that surely came from the kitchen. He recognised the smell of tea and strawberries and his stomach instantly let out a growl, signalling the hunger that took over him. When he finally made his way to the kitchen, his ears were met with a humming that came from the young woman he saved last night. A small smile appeared on his lips as he saw her cooking pancakes. He turned his face away when she greeted him.

" 'Morning, Corpse." she spoke softly. "I hope you don't mind me making us some breakfast. At least, that's what I can do to thank you for taking care of me."

" 'Morning, Carmy." he said, his voice lower than usual, thing that made her shiver. "Oh... Are you cold? Do you want me to turn the heat on?" he asked after he had seen her reaction.

"No, no. It's okay. It's just... Your morning voice... it's deeper than usual... that's all." she told him, her cheeks painted in red from blushing. 

"Oh... I know. I'm sorry if I creep you out." he told her as he took a seat on the stool at the island counter. "It smells good." he added.

"And it will taste even better. I'm almost done." she said as she poured the batter for the last pancake. "Please, take your meds, Corpse. Breakfast will be done in five."

He stood up to get a water bottle from the fridge and made his way back to the counter where his meds were placed. After gathering the pills, he swallowed them before drinking his water. He didn't understand the way she could talk him to actually take care of himself. It felt weird but good at the same time.

"When do you think you'll release your song?" he asked as she placed the plates on the counter, and returning to the stove to pour tea in two black mugs.

"First, I have to record it before I release it. After recording I have to think about a cover for it. There's a lot of work to do, but you know how it is, since you released a various number of songs." Carmen said as she finally sat down next to him, after placing the mugs on the counter.

"How about we record your song today? After hearing you singing last night, I think we can get it done in like two takes." Corpse said before taking a drink from his mug.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced or anything..." 

"Yes. I'm sure about it. You have the melody on your phone. We just need to transfer it on my computer and we're good to start recording." Corpse said, a smile of assurance on his face.

"O-o-okay... if you say so..." she agreed with him.

After finishing breakfast and washing all the dishes, they both made their way into the office where Corpse's gear was. His computer and recording devices were organised in a very precise order, to maintain the space clean and pleasing to the eye.

"You said my set up was good. Well, yours is awesome!" Carmen said as she looked at all the recording stuff, while Corpse began to get everything done in order to start recording her song.

"Thank you. So, all we need is to transfer the soundtrack to the computer and get it in the editing program. Prepare your vocal chords, Carmen. I have a feeling it is going to be epic." Corpse said as he waited for Carmen to connect her phone.

After two takes, as Corpse said, the song was done and recorded. All she needed was a cover photo and it was good to get uploaded on music streaming platforms. She and Corpse were sitting at the desk going through different photos to choose one, but it was to no avail as nothing fitted the song. Carmen let out a sigh as she leaned back in the chair, scratching her head as she couldn't think of anything.

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