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"taro, taro, taro, taro~" jaemin chanted with a smile, as if shotaro's name were a magical spell that could grant him anything. "yes?" "shotaro~!" "yes?" the four remaining 00-liners sat there, stifling their laughter.

you see, shotaro is the only member in the room who had absolutely no clue with regards to little space, thus making it funny for the assholes he calls teammates. "shotaro~" jaemin repeats one more time, followed by a smile and a giggle. "yes, jaemin?" "taro~"

yangyang, who was starting to wonder what was up with jaemin, proceeded to turn to renjun and, to avoid blowing their cover, began talking with said boy in mandarin. "dude, why does he keep saying taro's name?" "i don't know but the lack of context makes this shit funnier."

"yangyang~" nana smiled, eyeing his next target. "yes, jaem?" "yang~ yang~" shotaro just sat there, eyes begging the rest of the boys for some kind of answer. "should we say it?" jeno asks, making renjun, yangyang, and haechan sigh. "say what?" "taro~ play?"

shotaro was genuinely confused, seeing as the boy who's the living embodiment of the sentence "i'm an entertainer, but i only entertain myself," is out here, giggly and childlike, and asking for a friend to play with. "play what?" "nana dunno." nana?

"okay, i feel like an asshole now." "just now, haechan?" "yes, huang, just now." taro then averted his attention from the cutesy one who kept trying to get him to play, to haechan who's suddenly coming to terms with who he is— i'm kidding, don't murder me. "why, haechan?"

"okay so, taro-yah, have you heard of little space?" "god, we've passed that question around so many times already—" "yeah, well that was someone else." shotaro just stared at them cluelessly, now with a jaemin on his lap. "n-no?" the japanese member answers, head moving constantly because the little was blocking his view of the other boys.

haechan and yangyang took it upon themselves to explain the whole concept and, once that was done, taro was already much more relaxed. "go play now?" "play what, though? what does jaeminnie like to play?" he asked in a very natural way, no stutters and he was nowhere near tense. "dwaw on the walls?" "sweets, no." renjun interfered, resulting in a pout from the little.

"wanna play hopscotch?" "popcotch?" jaemin asks, his eyes resembling that of an extremely amused chibi character. everyone shared a quick chuckle, admiring how cutely nana attempted to pronounce hopscotch. "yep! you see the squares, nana?" jeno chimes in, pointing at the squared tiles.

the six boys proceeded to play around, not just for the little's sake but for all of them to ease the slightly tense atmosphere. "careful, angel!" jeno reminds, earning a snicker from the two other dreamies. "cArEfUL, aNgEL." "renjun-ah, wanna die?" yangyang, who was borderline dying, decided to whip out a random hand gesture for them to stop trying to murder each other. "let's make the game fun." he says, wriggling his eyebrows before urging for them to gather.

"whoever loses has to buy snacks for everyone!" he says, resulting in four other pairs of eyes staring at one another in a competitive manner. "nana want gummies." jaemin announces with a clap, causing the boys to uwu for a quick minute.

safe to say everyone except haechan had an excellent day, seeing as he was the one who had to spend an ass-load of money just for snacks. "haechannie buy gummies! a-and candies and ice cweam!" "yeah, haechan, go buy~"

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