the Desert

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Intense Heat. 

It felt like I was being boiled alive in water. 

Was I in hell? Were the demons cooking me like a stew?

For a moment or two I couldn't open my eyes. In my mind, I thought I was struggling to grasp sanity, but pretty soon I realised that my struggle was only to grasp a breath of air. I felt like I was choking on something. 

It felt like.... sand?

 I opened my eyes, and there I saw it: blurry visions of the bluest sky you could imagine.

What the fuc----

 I sat up and began coughing vigorously to let myself breathe properly. 

It was sand, I was right!

"Wait, sand..?" I said as it finally sank in. I froze for a whole moment before looking around me in 360, "Where the hell am I?" I panicked, and rightfully so. 

I was in middle of nowhere- Scorching sun, blurred atmosphere and sand; endless sand that stretched to infinity. I was in some kind of desert.

I stood up frantically to wake myself from the hallucination; it had to be a hallucination. My arms were bright red because of the sunburn. I turned my attention back to the place I was standing at, it was still sand. 

"What the hell?" I spoke out from under my breath. 

Adrenaline took over me and I decided to run. I ran fast as anyone could beneath the glaring and the harsh sun. The air was so intensely hot that it felt as if it had no oxygen for anyone to breathe in. 

"Ouch", as I leaped a few distance, the slippery and dense sand tripped me and I fell flat on my face. Hard. The sand wasn't as soft as it looked.

It took me all of my strength to push myself off the ground, but the sand was a tyrant. It pulled me back to its dense floors and proceeded to burn my flesh. I cried not because it hurt, but because I was confused. I didn't know where to go, and I didn't even know where I was. Truthfully, I couldn't even cry properly because I was so dehydrated, I had no tears in my eyes.

I need to go back to my Nana.

 Gathering my last bit of courage, I pushed myself off of the hot desert sand, and stood up. And I ran again; I limped.  I was burnt, weak and thirsty. Promptly then, I felt ringing in my ears, and an immense heaviness in my head, almost as if someone had put a boulder on top of it. My breathing became a little erratic and shallow, and I had collapsed in the same sand again, with blurred visions of the hot desert scene.

The sand was hot as hell and it hurt.


The next time I opened my eyes, it was cooler. Not cold. But cooler than before. As I flickered my eyes open, I expected to be in my own comfortable bed, finally awake from the terrible nightmare, but the rough sand underneath me reminded me otherwise.

When I finally gathered enough strength to open my eyes, I saw 5 people in a circle, looking at me in concern. There were 3 women and 2 men. The men were dressed in greenish Kaftan with a head scarf wrapped around them while the women were wearing farshi dress with loosely bound hijabs.

One of the men jolted up and shouted, "Ya Allah, she is not dead!"

"Of course she's not. She had been breathing since a long time ago" One of the women, who was wearing a sheer mask from below her eyes spoke.

"Well, why didn't you tell me anything? I was thinking of places to dig up her Qabr" He said, visibly looking upset.

Ignoring their ruckus, I tried to sit up, and as I did, intense pain in my head came back, and mild ringing still vibrating inside my eardrums.

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