the Novice Queen

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The crowd of women, attendants and maids walked me inside a quarter at the very back of the palace; a quarter they named The Novice Queen- as I had heard through their shrill squeaks.

"And, it is the most beautiful room in the entire palace; you could lie down in your bed, look at those high ceilings, and you'd have stories you can read for weeks. I think it's the best space— well, of course, after the Emperor's chambers—  that room has a different allure. But, I believe it all depends on your taste. Some people like the Emperor's room, but some prefer—"

"Spare the Emperor's new bride from your unwanted commentaries, would you?" A women, middle aged as I deciphered through her wrinkles, looked at the attendant scathingly before she faced me, "Apologies from my side that I couldn't make it into your welcome ceremony. I was stuck in some pressing affairs that had to be done there and then, elsewise I wouldn't have dared to create a muddle in the respect of a Begum".

Her dark hair were beginning to grey and I noticed she had tried to hide them through her scarf wrapped around her hair. She had not smiled; it looked like she would never even attempt to. Her face was stiff and serious and her eyes— cold.

Taking the demeanor shift of the maids around me, and the exuberance the woman had walked with in account, I didn't have to scratch my head to assume that she was someone important.

"Silly me, forgetting to introduce myself. I am Khusi-jaan. The chief minister of Agrabah, councilwoman of the harem and the Emperor's aunt" She tilted her head down, as a gesture to greet me.

"No need to apologize" I pursed a smile, "I'm touched enough that you came here all the way despite your busy schedule".

"Well, I have to. It's my duty-- to help new Begums, show them around, inform them about the rules and regulations, and, to remind them of their place here. And unfortunately for us, Begum, we do not have the liberty to just run away from our duties".

Her tone had withered from kind to scornful within a moment. It took no fool to understand where her snide had been pointing at. She was talking about Vedika's escapade at Bisnagar. I was pleasantly surprised to see how she hadn't even bothered to be nice to me- even if it was for formality's sake.

"And that's where we fall behind, lady Khusi-jaan" I made sure my tone of voice sounded as scathing as hers, but I'm sure I couldn't have reached that level of 'meanness' so early in my journey, "It takes a certain courage to make your own choices and follow them wholeheartedly"

Khusi-jaan clearly had pent up anger and exasperation for me. Anyone could sense it from afar. But, I knew better than to indulge into these trivial problems when my eyes were only set to find a way back home.

Khusi-jaan heaved an audible sigh as she glared at me—before it got too uncomfortable, "Mina, and Raima, bring in the perquisites" Khusi-jaan yelled out to the door to her maids, "I'm sure the new Begum won't mind letting my maids enter her chambers?" She asked as a courtesy, but she was confident enough not to await my approval and let her maids enter the room before I could say anything.

The maids formed a line as they brought large trays covered with velvet cloths, which Khusi-jaan unveiled, one by one- heavy jewelleries, gems, coutures made of golden and silver threads, sandals, perfumes- itr, golden bangles, headwear, and what not.

"The Emperor also presents you ownership over 5 villages, 10 horsestables,100 thousand gold coins, and your own personal seat in the royal courtroom, a share in the treasury as per the privilege of being a Royal Begum".

The royalties in this realm were far too materialistic for my liking or understanding. It made no sense to me what I would have to ever do with the 10 horse stable or the 100 thousand gold coins when I had also been given a stock full of jewelry that could drape the entire Agrabah city.

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