the Cell

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The cold, rotten  jail compound was located far away from the city of Bisnagar. The lonesome building stood alone in a plain grassland, with scarce trees and dried shrubs. As bad as the jail compound looked from the outside, the actual cells were inside were even more gruesome, and the constables who worked there; horrible.

"So a hazel eyed fellow grabbed you from the temple and made you their leader?" The man asked me the question the 5th time.

My jail cell was a tight spaced, wet mud floored space with a clay pot full of water as it only commodity. Although, I had to admit, my cell was better than the other cells I had been able to lay my eyes in ; 'a privilege of being a woman', as the constable had explained . But regardless, it was far from the free space that I was at before they had brought me to the place. The cell was dark around even in broad daylight with only senses of light coming from the tiny perforated holes in the walls. 

And like the previous time five times, I shouted 'Yes' as it seemed the constable soldier couldn't wrap his head around my very simple explanation. 

"They fooled all of you. You're arresting the innocent one here while the real culprits are out there enjoying the sacred wealth of the gods" I retorted as my defense.

The police officer rolled his eyes.

"Did you hear that Shyam?" He called out to another soldier who was out of my sight, but I garnered he was not that far away as I could hear his laughter clear as the daylight, "She says that she's not the real culprit. She must really be innocent uh?". They both chuckled in unison.

"Listen here girl" He said, "We're aware that your minions are the one dirtying their hands. But that doesn't mean the death of the thousands they killed hasn't tainted your soul. Your soul is probably ten times as darker as your minion's soul" He held both his hands up to emphasize on the number 10.

"Except for the fact that I don't have any minions, and the actual person who is guiding the said 'minions' is probably celebrating the fact that they fooled you, yet again."

The police officer whiffed out air from his nostrils, pretending to be distracted so that he won't have to hear any explanation from me. It was a tyranny. But, in the defense of the police officer, the jail compound was a easy place to distract yourself. Prisoners and 'fresh meat newcomers' often yelled on top of their lungs out of sheer pain from the tortures of the cell. Just a mere hour ago, a brawl almost had taken place between another police officer and a robber. This time, there seemed to be only a mere gentle banter between a newcomer and the other officer, Shyam. 

Constable Shyam seemed like he was dragging some kind of human sized sack in the  cell in front of mine. Not to my surprise, the 'sack' disgruntled with gasps of air; he was dragging a white robed man. I wondered if it was the same diabolical man who set me up? 

"Why was I expecting truth out of the darkest soul of the continent?" the constable officer had asked himself in my taunt.

"You know deep down that I'm no Dacoit leader, don't you?" I cocked my eyebrows at him, "If you were so sure, you would've had me punished already". 

"Classic Dacoit leader manipulation; toying with good people's conscience" The constable shook his head in disgust, "Unfortunately for you, I've seen a tad too much of that world to fall for this. Try something else." The officer rolled his eyes. He got up from the asymmetrical wooden chair he had been sitting on and went to constable Shyam and grabbed the white robed man to thrash him in the jail cell.

I had to stretch my neck a strenuous amount to see the face of the person who had been violently thrashed inside his cell, but the officer's rather huge body blocked the person off of my sight.

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