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A strange sense of relief washed over me at the sight of the Guru. He was waving his hands towards me. As much as I wanted to see what the mysterious Emperor looked like, my business with the Guru was more important.

"Excuse me" I stood  up.

"Where are you going?" Vedika held my hands before I could walk out of there, "Don't you want to see the Emperor?"

Oh right, the Emperor. But I had more pressing matters to attend. And it deemed, it was not the right time to confess to Vedika that my relation to her as a sister was nothing but a magic ruckus created by her own brother, who had left her years before to become a sage. 

"Nature's call" I explained. Princess Vedika looked confused, "I'll be back in a few instances. You could describe the Emperor for me later alright?" I let go of her hands as I proceeded to walk out of the balcony room.


The Guru was waiting for me outside of the room, where he stormed off, signaling me to follow him. I followed him accordingly before he entered an empty room.

"Guru-Ji!" I shrieked excitedly, and I embraced him in a hug.

"Yeah-Yeah" He chuckled, "No hugs, I'm not a huggy person" He laughed meekly after breaking the hug.

"How was Greece?" I asked in a great state of happiness.

 Far along my time in the palace,  thoughts would occasionally linger about what I would do if the Guru didn't come back, but a greater part of me knew that I had to put full faith and have patience.

"I mean, you saw the execution of that prisoner Vizier- you saw the coronation of their new King and even arranged Prince Satya's wedding with their Princess" I summarized in a haste.

"Yes, I did" He nodded, "As fruitful as the journey was, I had gone there with other intentions." He stated.

"Now what, Guru? You spent a month there. What do you know more now than a month before?".

"Duban's crystal is not a creator Avani; it is a shower" He walked around.

 "What does that mean?" I asked after a futile minute of useless brainstorming.

"The crystal's languages are very vague. But I deciphered it with the help of Duban's disciples. It showed an image of the door to the portal", He replied.

"A door?" My eyes widened in surprise.

"A palace, Avani; a palace with the door. It was still very vague"

"Thank god for the vaguness. I was sick of all the clarity before" I sighed out of annoyance

The Guru ignore my sarcastic remark, "The problem is, I don't know much about the palaces here. I left Bisnagar at a very young age- I don't have Princely friends" He stroked his beard.

"Do you have a pictue" I asked, wondering if I could be of any help.

"Well, it was golden" He replied, "But that's not very helpful, because every Palace in this world uses gold as its bricks and stones".

Amidst Guru's discerning face, I took a moment to realise how this man had always been working day and night for my knowledge and help. Did he want something in return? He had never said. 

"Which is why, I'm back. This is the perfect opportunity to gather all the palace information. It's wedding season" He pursed his mouth in a tight-lipped smile.

"Can't you just transport me to that place and make me their princess like how you did for me here?" I asked.

"I would " He continued, "But that palace is the door, no magic works there Avani. I cannot integrate you there".

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